Friday, June 17, 2011

Questions About Bobby & Marie's Ordeal With MHMR-TC's Institutional Incompetence

On Wednesday Paradise Center sent me a video of an incident that happened the day before, on Tuesday, June 14.

I then blogged the Tale of Bobby & Marie's Ordeal With MHMR-TC on the Paradise Center Scandal Blog.

The aforementioned video is getting a lot of attention. With a lot of people asking a lot of questions.

Like this question....

Who is/are the elected officials who are responsible for this type of reprehensible behavior on their watch? I would certainly like to know who to help ease out of office during the next election cycle.

The above question was asked by Big Ed. Then County Veteran answered Big Ed's question in detail. You can read that answer and the other comments about the Tale of Bobby & Marie's Ordeal With MHMR-TC on the Paradise Center Scandal Blog.

You can view the video that has amped up the Paradise Center Scandal below...

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