Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June Begins With A Red Sky Morning

The 1st day of June has dawned with a red tinted sky.

On the west coast a sailor would take a red sky in the morning as a warning. I have no idea what a sailor does with a red sky in the morning when he's hundreds of miles from the nearest coast.

Reading the news this morning only a few things stuck in my memory.

One is that today is Marilyn Monroe's birthday. Had Marilyn not died in 1962, today she would be 85 years old. An 85 year old Marilyn Monroe would have been an interesting thing to see.

An amusing line from an article in the Star-Telegram about Fort Worth's droopy drawers epidemic...

"Residents who try to board a bus while exposing their rumps can expect to get bumped."

The Fort Worth Transit Authority has a new dress code which allows bus drivers to refuse entry to those with pants sagging below their waist.

Meanwhile, yesterday, up in Seattle at the University of Washington, hundreds of students stripped to their underwear in some sort of charity run that donated the doffed clothes to those who are in need of clothes.

I don't remember seeing anyone with droopy drawers in the Seattle zone. They are slow to catch on to trends up there. I may have that backwards.

Yesterday that little Canadian kid who is inexplicably an international pop star, Justin Bieber, along with his girl friend, an older woman named Selena Gomez, went to Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington and the Parks at Arlington Mall.

Apparently the Gomez girl is from Grand Prairie and she was taking her underage, 17 year old, boyfriend home to meet the family.

It is now time to continue on with my casual lifestyle and go swimming.

1 comment:

  1. Charming and I hope it was a good swim.
