Thursday, June 9, 2011

Giant Wildflower Found On The Tandy Hills With The Queen Of Wink Found Safe Via New Orleans While Traffic Stops On I-30

I am fairly certain this thing I found blowing in the wind on the Tandy Hills today is not some sort of giant mutant wildflower.

It is currently 94. It was one degree below 90 when I hiked the hills today. Very humid. And windy.

The attempts to find the missing Queen of Wink amped up this morning, with the search reaching as far as New Orleans.

By around 2 this afternoon the New Orleans connection bore fruit with the Queen of Wink letting me know she has not been the victim of a crazed serial killer.

The Queen of Wink says her phone did not log my call, or she would have called me back. But, I left a voice mail message. And then we still have the mystery of what caused the Queen of Wink to disappear from Facebook.

I would suspect that someone has hacked the Queen of Wink's Internet accounts, except for the fact that the writing style is totally in the Queen of Wink style. And, as we recently learned from CatsPaw/CowsHoof, writing style is as strong an identifier as fingerprints.

As I drove to the Tandy Hills I saw the westbound lanes of Interstate 30 were in total traffic jam mode. This had drivers trying to get off the freeway, to the frontage road, driving over grass and into the waiting embrace of a multitude of Fort Worth cops.

I do not know why, when there is a traffic jam like this, those ubiquitous electronic freeway signs that usually say "click it or ticket it's the law" are not spewing a message like "I-30 westbound lanes closed ahead, seek alternative route."

Because there are plenty of ways to get around this and easily continue west. The traffic was jammed almost all the way back to the 820/30 mixmaster. A warning sign could have easily directed traffic on to 820, then 121 to continue west.

Coming out of Town Talk today and heading east on Randol Mill Road I was appalled to see about a mile of vehicles backed up, waiting to turn on to Beach Street. These would have been drivers who scurried off the freeway at Oakland Avenue, where I saw the cops in full ticket mode, trying to continue west via the next road that does so to the north, no knowing how backed up that road can get.

So, I guess when I head to downtown Fort Worth around 5, to do me some Trinity River Happy Hour Inner Tubing, I will take 121 to downtown, not 30.

Are there restroom facilities on shore for the Rockin' the River event, I can't help but wonder? With 600 people floating while drinking a lot of beer, well, you get the picture.

I can now see where this Happy Hour Inner Tube floating is going to be adding some fresh pollution to the already polluted river.


  1. Ahh...I do "see" a voicemail. Sorry, darlin' I thought it was from a previous day and didn't realize twas new. I have since listened to your message and am all twitterpated. I had no idea you felt that way about me :-)

  2. CT2-----

    I had no idea either.

    One of your operatives pointed me to your blog. So, now the Facebook Mystery is also cleared up.

  3. If I were the FW PTB and their PR lackeys, I would spin that traffic jam into multitudes of people backed up trying to get into downtown FW to "Rock the River" - just a little early - kind of like a grand opening of Chick-Fil-A or Krispy Kreme.

  4. CT2----

    That was supposed to be one of "my" operatives, not one of "yours."

    My typo problem has turned chronic.

  5. That's quite reading abilities have gone way South. So, I suppose that between us, we make a perfect match :-)
