Monday, June 20, 2011

The Day Before The Start Of Summer Will Be The 8th Day In A Row Over 100 In North Texas

I went to bed early Sunday, which has me up early the day before the start of summer.

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at my destination in a few minutes hence, you can see Monday has dawned with yet one more blue sky morning in Texas.

Today is scheduled to be the 8th in a row where the temperature at the official measuring station at Dallas/Fort Worth Airport will go over 100 degrees.

Yesterday got to 102. Today is supposed to get to 103. Tomorrow the Heat Index will likely get in the 108 to 109 range.

Thousands in Fort Worth had their power knocked out yesterday. High winds knocked out some power lines.

I do not remember losing power during the air conditioning time of the year. That would be quite miserable. I need to knock on some wood.

And then go swimming.

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