Tuesday, June 28, 2011

80 Degrees This Last Tuesday Of June In Texas While Up North It Has Been 296 Days Since Seattle Hit 80 Degrees

I was up late last night, thus up slightly late this last Tuesday of June of 2011. As you can sort of see, looking out one of my viewing portals on the world, it is yet one more rainless day in Texas.

And HOT. Heading to a predicted Heat Index today of 110.

When I woke up the computer this morning my computer temperature monitoring device indicated it was 80 degrees in the outer world.

There was an amusing story in the Seattle P-I this morning with the headline, "When Will We Reach 80 Degrees."

Apparently it has been 296 days since the last time Seattle hit 80 degrees, on September 3, 2010, when Seattle was heated to a torrid 84.

I remember being up in the Seattle zone in August of 2004. The temperatures were in the high 70s, low 80s, with the Seattle P-I having an article about the locals sweltering in the "Heat Wave." I recollect taking that article back with me to Texas for the amusement of the HOT Texas locals.

I will not be cooling off in the swimming pool this morning. It got its weekly shock treatment late yesterday.

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