Friday, May 6, 2011

Up Early On The 6th Day Of May Thinking I May Bother Voting Even Though It Is Pointless In Fort Worth

Day number 6 of May has dawned with yet one more blue sky morning in North Texas, with that blue oasis, you can see through the trees, looking particularly inviting.

I must try and remember to early vote today. I don't think there is anything to vote for except the city council person in my district and the mayor of this forsaken town I'm living in.

Unlike people who live in areas of the world that practice the democratic form of government, we don't vote on things like public works projects here, so nothing like that shows up on the ballot.

In these parts you can have a billion dollar project wreaking havoc with something everyone shares, like a river, using public funds to do the havocing and do so with no one voting to approve of the project.

I find the governmental method here to be very bizarre. But, it is what the people here are used to.

So much so, that the vast majority of them don't bother to vote.

I suppose they don't bother to vote because over the years the vast majority have been conditioned to believe their vote does not count, because the ruling gang of the good ol' boy and girl network runs things, with the elections just being shams, sort of like what took place in the old Soviet Union or like what takes place, currently, in places like Iran.

Iran has elections. But the outcome is pre-ordained. Just like in Fort Worth where Betsy Price is the good ol' boy and girl network's pick to be the next mayor of Fort Worth.

I'll likely be voting for either Cathy Hirt or Dan Barrett. Not that it matters. Neither has a ghost's chance in hell of becoming mayor of this company run town.

1 comment:

  1. I know Dan Barrett personally. I used to date his brother Sam. He is a good man, has been through a lot and he would have my vote if I lived in Fort Worth.
