Thursday, May 5, 2011

No One Remembered To Tell Jim Lane That The Fort Worth Ruling Oligarchy Has Picked Betsy Price For Mayor

Another Boss Hogg, I mean, Jim Lane for Fort Worth mayor mailing showed up in my mailbox this morning.

Why is Jim Lane still spending money on campaigning?

Didn't Jim Lane get the memo that the Fort Worth Ruling Oligarchy had made its choice for mayor and had announced its choice via the Editorial Board of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram a few days ago?

Now, I wish the FWRO had picked Jim Lane, so that we could continue having a goofy mayor in Fort Worth.

Just look at the picture of Jim Lane I took from today's mailer. Does Jim Lane not look like the physical personification of Fort Worth? And look how that little girl towers over Jim Lane. How can you not like that?

I've been told, by those who should know, that Jim Lane is a much nicer guy than Mike Moncrief. And that, unlike Mike Moncrief, Jim Lane has a good sense of humor.

So, with Jim Lane we'd get a very short, amusing, nice guy who looks like Fort Worth and is proud to wear a cowboy hat.

I must remember to go do the early voting thing.

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