Monday, May 30, 2011

A Memorable Memorial Day Monday Morning In Texas

It is the morning of the next to last day of May which also happens to be a Monday and Memorial Day.

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at the blue pool oasis and the sky about it, it would appear that Memorial Day at my location on the planet will be a pleasantly weathered day.

The forecast for my location on the planet for Memorial Day also indicates it will be a pleasantly weathered day, partly sunny and breezy with a high of 89 and no threat of tornadoes.

I have no idea what I am going to do to memorialize Memorial Day today. I may drop in on the Paradise Center. I may go do some hill hiking on the Tandy Hills. I may have a hot dog for lunch.

The only thing I am absolutely certain of is I am going to go swimming in about 5 minutes. Talk to you later.

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