Friday, May 27, 2011

I Am A Platinum Sponsor Of Fort Worth's Picnic & Politics In The Park

This afternoon I made one of my infrequent forays into Facebook. During that foray I saw GG making a cryptic comment that intrigued me.

GG said, "Only in Fort Worth do you have to pay $60 per person to hear what mayoral candidates have to say, in a public park."

What fresh hell is this, I wondered to myself?

Well, GG and her assistant provided sufficient hints to allow me to get to the bottom of this mystery.

Seems the Fort Worth Ruling Oligarchy has two candidates running for mayor of Fort Worth, Betsy Price and Jim Lane. The one chosen to be the next mayor, by the Queen of the Fort Worth Ruling Oligarchy, Kay Granger, is Betsy Price.

I do not know if Jim Lane did something to displease the FWRO Queen, which caused him to lose royal favor, or what.

Maybe the FWRO Queen did not think Jim Lane could as easily be made to do her bidding, as could Betsy. Or maybe it is something as simple as the fact that both Betsy and Queen Kay are Republicans, while Jim Lane is a Democrat.

Back to paying $60 to hear what the mayoral candidates have to say for themselves.


On June 9 at 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM at Burnett Park, it being one of downtown Fort Worth's public parks, Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. is staging an event called Picnic & Politics in the Dark. I mean Park.

I'm assuming Betsy Price and Jim Lane will give speeches while a picnic takes place. This Picnic & Politics in the Park is open to the public, Fort Worth being the type of inclusive town that it is. And the fact that the event takes place in a public park. How could it not be open to the public?

All it costs to attend this event is $60. You can get in for $50 if you pay $350 to become a Downtown Fort Worth, Inc. member. That is $350 a year to save you $10 on a political picnic.

I'm already going to this important event, due to being a PLATINUM SPONSOR. It only cost me $2,500, for which I'll get priority seating for me and 20 of my closest friends. Plus I'll get recognition in the luncheon program, event signage and stage announcements.

Best $2,500 I have ever spent.


  1. No. I think the number is higher than 20. I am a very friendly guy.

  2. Don't forget Kay was a Dem before she switched sides...
