Monday, May 23, 2011

A Humid Monday Morning In May Grumbling That Fort Worth Has Too Many Farmer's Markets

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell you can sort of tell I am up early this Monday May morning.

Early in the evening, before it got dark, I enjoyed sitting outside watching lightning light up the clouds and counting the seconds before I heard thunder. The lightning slowly crept closer and closer.

And then the rain came.

I enjoyed the cooling drops for awhile, until there were too many dropping at once. And so I retreated back under cover.

I think that rain last night has amped up the humidity more than its already way too amped up state of stickiness.

Change of subject from being too humid to where it rains a lot.

This morning, reading the Seattle P-I, I was surprised to learn Seattle suffers from a problem Fort Worth also suffers from.

That being a glut of farmer's market. Last summer Seattle had 19 farmer's markets, in addition to the farmer's market on steroids known as Pike Place Market.

I don't know how many farmer's markets make up Fort Worth's farmer's market glut.

The picture of blackberries and blueberries is from the Seattle P-I article titled, "Grumbles that Seattle has too many farmers markets."

I sort of miss fresh blackberries and blueberries. I had 2 big blueberry bushes on my rooftop deck in Washington. And blackberries growing in the woods behind my house.

I guess I could go to one of  the many Fort Worth farmer's markets today and try and find myself some fresh blackberries and blueberries.

In the meantime, I am going swimming.

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