Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Having A Bad Day Of Senility Signs & Train Blocks On The 3rd Day Of May In Texas

The picture is a perfect metaphor for how I'm feeling.


I had myself a rough night of rough nightmares and that had me waking up feeling beat up.

I thought swimming in really cold water would break me out of it, like shock therapy. This did not work. But it made me very cold.

My brain is just not working right today.

Well before noon I took off from here, heading to Pantego. I had multiple reasons to be going to Pantego.

The way to Pantego goes by Village Creek Natural Historic Area. I thought maybe a short walk was what I needed to get the synapses in my failing brain firing right again.

I was wrong. The walk provide no noticeable benefit.

I'm so badly malfunctioning I could not even manage to take a decent picture of the Village Creek Natural Wildflower area and the sign that tells you that that is what the sparse patch of wildflowers is.

Eventually this morning, at one point, I ended up in an ALDI Food Market. When I checked out my brain was still checked out, which caused me to use the wrong debit card. This was no big deal, but did require changing what I'd planned to do during the bank visit that was also part of this morning's adventure in minor senility.

When I left ALDI is when I came to the train blocking my way. I've heard more than once that Arlington is the only major city in America that allows itself to be cut in two by a train several times a day. There are only a couple ways to get past the track in Arlington.

That seems really odd to me. The little town I used to live in, Mount Vernon, has a train track running through it. There are several ways to get over the tracks. But, I do remember getting stuck waiting for a train a time or two on College Way, which was the main route I'd take back to my house.

It seems like a big waste of gas to have so many vehicles stopped and waiting for a train several times a day. A lot of money was spent fixing up the I-30 freeway in Arlington, with new bridges and new freeway that really does not seem to be all that big of an improvement.

Eventually the double-decker train came to an end and I was able to continue on my way.

Right now it is half past 3 in the afternoon and I feel so beat up I'm ready to go to bed. But, I don't see that happening for a few hours. In the meantime maybe I'll go try some more cold water pool therapy and do some sun lounging now that it is almost 70 degrees out there.


  1. Even God rested , I hope you feel better tomorrow. I found your blog in a round about way, I Googled shanty towns, read a few different posts. Tell Steve Doeung to call the ACLU. They would love his case, I think. Thank you for your blog. Real journalism' that is not largely propaganda, has gone under ground. The national networks don't do reality anymore, only what they want us to hear. Thanks you for carrying on an American right and tradition that has brought good changes to America over the years , and it is the one of the most important powers a common man has , free speech. The other is to keep believing, hold up your end of the positive thought for the collective conscious of mankind.. So rest today and then tomorrow , wake up in a new day and believe again. Sincerely, El Corn

  2. Thank you for the anonymous words of encouragement, Anonymous.

  3. Hang in there, Durango.

  4. Feel better, Durango. Any idea what the anonymous commenter is talking about relative to shanty towns and Steve D. and the ACLU? I must be "blocked" too because I don't get the connection between all the factors in the comment.

  5. H & R Blocked----I believe Anonymous was referencing the Paradise Center Scandal and suggesting that Steve D and his crew might get some help from the ACLU.

  6. Thanks for the help, Durango. I guess there might be some constitutional issue in the Paradise Center Scandal; I just can't think of one where the ACLU would get involved, though.

    Having followed the blog off and on, I'm kinda with you in placing much of the responsibility to defend that nonprofit group on advocacy groups NAMI and MHA. Now that's been established that the McDudd dude has everyone in his pocket, ruling out any political solution, it looks like litigation (or serious threats) based on breach of contract and related torts is the logical next step for Steve and his group of Goliath fighters.

    After posting my question, I had thought back to hearing that Steve had gotten three fines totalling up to a few thousand dollars for daring to have the pipeline protest sign in the form of a two foot section of the 16-inch diameter pipeline displayed in his front yard right where CHK had tried to shove their pipeline against his will. I don't know what became of those citations, but over a year later I can still see that protest pipe with the American flag next to it (and often kids bike and toys) in the exact same spot. Those citations sound like efforts to suppress and/or prevent free speech to me. An issue that the ACLU, Institute for Justice, and other public interest firms might take on. But this is Fort Worth, though...not always in step with the American Way.
