Saturday, May 14, 2011

Almost The Middle Of May Thinking About The Super Bowl XLV Debacle In North Texas

We are already almost at mid May. I am really getting tired of how fast time flies. Really tired of it. I feel like I'm on the fast track to being elderly.

The second Saturday of May has dawned pleasantly cool at 50 degrees, with no clouds in the sky, as near as I can tell from my limited view through the bars of my patio prison cell.

Google's Blogger has still not totally recovered from its recent debacle. My missing posts have been restored. But the missing comments are still missing.

Speaking of debacles.

Remember the North Texas Super Bowl XLV Debacle? Snow and ice wreaked havoc. Then Jerry Jones' greed wreaked more havoc, irrationally trying for an attendance record, cramming extra seats into the Cowboy stadium that weren't ready by game time.

Remember how the Super Bowl was going to be a HUGE economic boom for North Texas?

Well, now, just a few months after the Super Bowl Debacle, towns in the D/FW Metroplex are seeking money from the State of Texas to cover costs caused by the Super Bowl Debacle.

Arlington is asking for $2.7 million from a special state fund, to cover costs related to the Super Bowl Debacle.

Fort Worth is asking for $2.3 million. Fort Worth's propaganda meisters, pre Super Bowl Debacle, were in heavy duty super puffery mode due to a cable network, ESPN, hosting its Super Bowl broadcasts from a downtown Fort Worth parking lot.

Unfortunately, the broadcasts from the downtown Fort Worth parking lots turned a bit icy and did not end up making downtown Fort Worth the envy of the nation.

And now Fort Worth wants money from the State of Texas to compensate for its foolhardiness.

Changing the subject to other important matters. I must remember to vote today.

I must also remember to go swimming, which I think I will do right now.

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