Monday, May 2, 2011

The 2nd Day Of May Thinking About Killing Osama Bin Laden & Not Going Swimming Because Of Rain, Record Cold & Lightning

Well. This morning I finally checked the news to see a headline I've been expecting to see for almost a decade.

Osama bin Laden is dead.

I think I would have preferred captured, tried and sentenced to some miserable forced labor. But I can see there is some efficiency and expediency in shooting him in the head and dumping his body in the ocean.

Switching the subject from Truth, Justice and the American Way, we are heading to a predicted record low of 43 degrees today on this second day of May.

You can not really tell it from the view from my primary outlook on the world, but it is raining hard right now. And only 45 degrees. I'm thinking this may be a day when I decide not to go swimming in the morning.

This is being a stereotypical Western Washington winter day today here in North Texas. So far.

45 degrees, thunderstorm, with the wind chill making it feel like it is 33. Yes, this does not sound like ideal swimming conditions this morning.

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