Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Windy Warm First Sunday Of April In Texas Thinking About Scared Bullycrats In Fort Worth And Libya

It is being a bit windy the morning of the first Sunday of April. I don't know if it is the wind or the balmy 67 degree temperature, or what, but something has the birds tweeting up a storm of twittering bird noise.

I saw no mention of Libya this morning in the 4 online newspapers I check in on. Just a second, I'll click on CNN or FOX NEWS online.

Well, FOX NEWS does note that NATO is taking command while Qadaffi holds on, but the headline that caught my eye that I did not see in the 4 online newspapers I regularly check was "Two Found Dead at Japan Nuke Plant."

Switching the subject to the Paradise Center Scandal.

The only information I seem to be getting is via comments made to this blog and the Paradise Center Scandal blog.

Yesterday Anonymous made an interesting comment about the current state of the Paradise Center/MHMR Affair...

By Anonymous on Up Late On The Warm First Saturday Of April In Texas... 

The state's Dept. of Health Services has to have an inspection of this "clinic" before it can officially reinstate MHMR's business partner Bravo Health as a Medicaid+PLUS HMO provider. 

All these costly expenditures are NOT about the consumers or the patients. It's about MHMR and its executives' jobs and possible lawsuit from Bravo for misrepresenting to them that Paradise Center was "an MHMR program" with all those free workers and high attendance numbers.

This email spin came from the executive offices inside Hulen Tower, thus better grammar and more polished than the previous ones by low level managers and techs. How do I know this? I work inside Hulen Tower.

P.S. MHMR is stuck with all the properties they tried to steal from not-for-profit organization Paradise Center. McDumnut and his gang are befuddled and scared about what's coming next. The Paradise folks obviously are in the driver seat while these bullycrats (many of us love the label) are in the hot seat. Their only saving grace is the lack of media scrutiny. For now. 

True? Are the MHMR Bullycrats befuddled and scared? Are they in trouble for misrepresenting their relationship with the Paradise Center? Is a state inspection pending? I don't know. But I suspect Anonymous knows what she or he is talking about.

And now I'm going to cease thinking about anything for awhile and go swimming before it gets too HOT.

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