Saturday, April 2, 2011

Up Late On The Warm First Saturday Of April In Texas

I awoke after the arrival of the sun on this Saturday, second day of April.

I had my windows open all night. It is 55 degrees at the present moment. I suspect swimming will be pleasant this morning.

I keep getting emails asking me what's up with the Paradise Center Scandal and wondering if they've found a new home yet.

I don't know. I have heard nothing.

Except for snarky, mean-spirited comments from MHMRTC insiders bragging about how wonderful the operation is working in the old location of the Paradise Center.

Below a typical MHMRTC comment, actually it is slightly atypical because I can only spot a couple grammar errors. Usually the MHMR people are borderline illiterate.

The Anonymous MHMR person said....

Currently the building is being freshly painted. New water fountain installed now. Other repairs made. Sofas were poorly made. MHMRTC is replacing with sofas that are built to wear better with lots of use. Regarding pool table it is a professional Brunswick. This does not have to be picked up on one end for the players to get the balls to roll down like the one at the old paradise center did. The new pool table is continually being used by clients and peer leaders. Pool Tournaments continue as before. Regarding Ben other people are opening the door. It is up to staff on his returning. It has been five weeks since the new Drop In Center started. And still Paradise Center cannot even get a storage for their own stuff. That does not say much for Paradise Center or there Board. 

I'm going swimming now.


  1. Perhaps we should be reassured by the post by an insider that "THE RIGHT KIND OF MENTAL PATIENTS" are now frequenting the facility.

  2. The state's Dept. of Health Services has to have an inspection of this "clinic" before it can officially reinstate MHMR's business partner Bravo Health as a Medicaid+PLUS HMO provider.

    All these costly expenditures are NOT about the consumers or the patients. It's about MHMR and its executives' jobs and possible lawsuit from Bravo for misrepresenting to them that Paradise Center was "an MHMR program" with all those free workers and high attendance numbers.

    This email spin came from the executive offices inside Hulen Tower, thus better grammar and more polished than the previous ones by low level managers and techs. How do I know this? I work inside Hulen Tower.

    P.S. MHMR is stuck with all the properties they tried to steal from not-for-profit organization Paradise Center. McDumnut and his gang are befuddled and scared about what's coming next. The Paradise folks obviously are in the driver seat while these bullycrats (many of us love the label)are in the hot seat. Their only saving grace is the lack of media scrutiny. For now.

  3. Can't believe Chris Hawes and WFAA and Jeff Prince and the FW Weekly were so easily fooled by these MHMR incompetent fools. Scary to think that dumb bullycrats are smarter than was thought top notch journalists.

  4. Been there...but no moreApril 5, 2011 at 11:23 PM

    I believe it. You know why? Because it's just mentally ill people anyway. They won't complain. You see, locally, they don't really organize and advocate. Groups like NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) and MHA (Mental Health America) have a history, nationally, of advocating for this vulnerable population of people whose voice is often not heard. But, sadly, in FW, there is so much intermingling between MHMR, these two "advocacy" groups, and even JPS, that their message is watered down. Now, MHMR tells these groups what is best for people with mental illnesses. They believe, then they go tell. I DARE THEM to DOCUMENT how they have advocated locally on behalf of mentally ill adults. I DARE THEM. Because advocacy starts with first having a relationship with the people you are advocating for. Then listening to what they are saying. IT DOES NOT HAPPEN HERE. It happens in tiny, small groups of the same people who've been on community advisory committees for years and years. Right, Jim Swinney? Right, Beverly Terranova? And Sarah Swinney? And Bonnie Siddons? Mr. Swinney has sat on the Board of every mental health organization in town, INCLUDING PARADISE CENTER'S OVER 12 YEARS AGO. What mental health clients who receive MHMR services has he met with this year? Or how about the others? How are they advising if they are not listening? He's on the community advisory committee and who knows what else. Has he talked to 1% of the thousands that are served? How about even .5%?? HA! I DARE HIM OR THE OTHERS TO POST IT HERE. I DARE THEM TO PROVE THAT THEY ARE ADVOCATING FOR THE MH CLIENTS. Here's a new slogan for our parts: "Fort Worth and Tarrant County...where mental illness means you have no voice."
