Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Shadow Of The Skinny Dipping Thin Man Wondering Why The Fort Worth Police Did Not Help The Paradise Center

The Shadow of the Skinny Dipping Thin Man sort of indicates I am up way before the sun this fine Tuesday morning in Texas.

It was only 50 degrees when I stepped outside to retrieve my swimming suit. The water will be quite a bit warmer than the air when I go swimming this morning. This creates the illusion it is a heated pool.

I read no mention made of any Chesapeake Energy drilling site gas leaking in Arlington in any of the local newspapers online. Does this mean there was no 911 call with no one requiring medical treatment?

Or is this just one more example of how badly this area is served by local news sources? I highly doubt that the information I was sent yesterday was false about Monday's storm causing a major Chesapeake Energy malfunction.

I also did not read in the local news anything about the Paradise Center finally taking possession of the POD storage unit in which MHMR had supposedly placed the Paradise Center's possessions, with the Paradise Center discovering, yesterday, that the POD did not contain all their possessions. Which had MHMR allowing Paradise Center people back in to their former home for the first time since the illegal eviction, in order to recover the remainder of their possessions.

Why weren't the police called when MHMR kicked the Paradise Center out of their building without following any sort of due process? Why weren't the police called when MHMR would not let the Paradise Center retrieve their possessions?

Yes, I know, it's not the Fort Worth Way to call the police and expect any sort of policing regarding this type of crime.

1 comment:

  1. Word amongst nami-tc is that one of the first people Paradise Center Board leaders called was a person they respected and loved. A long time active member of NAMI-TC. And they were wrong, dead wrong, about this person. Because the person betrayed their trust by assuring them that s/he would get personal lawyer on the apparen5 breach asap...and encouraged them to simply leave immediately and not resist the MHMR-TC men circling s/lowly in two vans.
