Sunday, April 17, 2011

Jim Lane Will Closely Monitor Barnett Shale Drilling Because He Will Be A Mayor For All Fort Worth Families

Yesterday in my mailbox I found a 13 x 11 inch Political Advertisement that was too big for my scanner to completely scan.

The politician being advertised, in the Political Advertisement, is Jim Lane. He is running for Mayor of Fort Worth.

Near as I can tell the Fort Worth Ruling Oligarchy has picked Jim Lane as the successor to Fort Worth's current mayor, the goofy Mike Moncrief.

With Jim Lane being the FWRO's chosen one, I think it can be safely be predicted he will win the mayoralty with around 70% of the 6% of Fort Worth voters who will bother to vote.

Unless somehow the multiple candidates who do not have the backing of Fort Worth's Ruling Oligarchy manage to convince the 94% of Fort Worth's voters who don't vote, that it is in their interest to stage a voting revolt against the FW Ruling Oligarchy.

Jim Lane is all about being Mayor for all Fort Worth families. Even those who don't vote.

Jim’s 12 Point Platform for Fort Worth Families...

    * Have all citizen calls to City Hall returned within 24 hours
    * Improve/Expand City – School Partnership Programs
    * Balance City Budgets with NO tax increases
    * Reform City Employee Pension Plan
    * Protect neighborhood integrity from undesirable encroachments
    * Improve Citywide Traffic Flow & Bus/Light-rail Mobility
    * Promote Citizen Volunteerism (Youth, Families & Seniors)
    * Ensure responsive City departments & City services
    * Support Fort Worth Police and Citizens on Patrol programs
    * Support Fort Worth Fire Fighters and Emergency Medical Responders
    * Support strong Fort Worth economy and job opportunities
    * Closely monitor Barnett Shale drilling activity

Jim's 12 Point Platform is on the flip side of the Political Advertisement, along with a list of reasons Jim Lane is "A Leader You Trust", plus reasons Jim Lane is "A Friend You Know."

So, if you really want the Fort Worth Ruling Oligarchy to finally install a mayor who will "Closely monitor Barnett Shale drilling activity" Jim Lane is your man.


  1. I like Betsy Price myself. I'd vote for her if I lived in Fort Worth. She's good people, even if her job is to collect taxes.

  2. ... and there's a unicorn on the dark side of the moon. hahahahaha, tell me another one Jim.

  3. Yay! This is all Fort Worth needs, a mayor who steals copyrighted logos who doesn't even live in our city!! Doesn't he live in Azle??

  4. I'm not disputing the logo stealing, but Lane does live in Fort Worth – in an allegedly haunted house. However, I do not believe the ghost is a unicorn.

  5. The moment I saw his mailers, I knew this guy wasn't going to get my vote. He lost me with the cowboy hat. Being from Austin, I'm just not used to this fashion statement. I'm voting for Cathy Hirt because she is the only candidate who is against the TRV and Clyde Picht and Lon Burnham support her.

  6. If you do your FW research you'll find that Lane was the proponent behind FW getting Molly the longhorn as the city's logo.

  7. "Closely monitor Barnet Shale drilling activity". You know that's like me saying my cat is a watch cat. All he's really going to do is watch the thief take everything out of the house from under the bed!

  8. Jim the Lane to nowhere.
