Friday, April 1, 2011

J.D. Granger's Army Of 80,000 Flood Protecting Trees Planted In Gateway Park To Save Arlington

I finally got to watch the infamous video of J.D. Granger trying  to explain the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle to a group of skeptics at a presentation at UTA.

The video was shot by Zack Maxwell, he of Save Arlington fame.

Zack converted the raw video into a DVD. This made it tricky to extract video to turn it into a YouTube video.

There are several amusing moments that occur during this meeting. The crowd got a bit rowdy.

I somehow expected J.D. Granger to come across way dumber than he does. Instead he's like some sort of quick on his feet snake oil salesman.

Maybe I'll make several short YouTube videos of some of the choice moments. It overwhelmed my computer this morning when I extracted over 30 minutes of the DVD.

Listening to J.D. one is led to believe J.D. believes the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle is rolling in money, generating revenue far in excess of their fondest hopes.

J.D. rattles off all these things the TRV has accomplished. All the businesses he says he's moved. Yes, he used the "I" word in regards to businesses moved via eminent domain abuse.

J.D. seems to believe that the TRV Boondoggle will create some sort of utopia, and is currently leading the world in all sorts of aspects.

A rather colorful lady in the audience got all over J.D. over the fact that the Montgomery Plaza development in the booming West 7th zone of Fort Worth has filed for bankruptcy because they have so many empty apartments.

I think I understood J.D. to explain that the little pond that will be where the Clear and West Forks of the Trinity River now meet up, will be some sort of flood storage reservoir and drinking water source. The Town Pond is something like 12 acres big. That is a little smaller than Lake Grapevine.

But, the strangest, funniest thing J.D. came up with was in response to a guy from Arlington verbalizing his concern that the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle was going to make flooding worse in Arlington. That, and he asked J.D. if the people of Fort Worth get to vote on this project.

J.D. acted like he's been worn out by all the referendums and votes there have been on this project. Somehow I don't remember these taking place.

As for the flooding in Arlington, J.D. explains that the TRV is going to extreme lengths to make sure not one ounce of extra water goes one second faster towards Arlington during a flood.

With the prime facilitator of that flood control being the 80,000 trees now being planted in Gateway Park.

I've seen no trees being planted in Gateway Park.

I'd never heard of trees stopping floods before.

The Pacific Northwest is heavily forested. It can flood real bad up there. I've seen a lot of trees washed into the rivers during a flood. I've never heard anyone suggest more trees be planted to slow down an incoming flood.

Like I said, this project in Fort Worth is daring to go where no city has gone before in terms of ground breaking new methods for fixing a serious problem. That problem being the levees that have protected Fort Worth ever since they went up.

J.D. thinks Fort Worth has now grown too big for those levees.

And shooting a Trinity River flood into a diversion channel ditch is just the protection Fort Worth needs from a raging Trinity River.

Anyway, watch the short YouTube video below where you'll learn about the 80,000 trees being planted in Gateway Park to save Arlington from Fort Worth's Trinity River Vision Boondoggle...

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