Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Groggy Foggy Semi-Cold Thursday Morning In Texas

Looking out from my main viewing portal on the world I can see we are a bit overcast and slightly foggy at my current location in North Texas.

It is currently only 22 degrees above freezing.

Thunderstorms are in the forecast, again, for today. Yesterday's predicted thunderstorms did no storming within hearing distance of my ears.

I don't know if I will make it to the Tandy Hills today. I have a doctor appointment that today interferes with my regular aerobicizing time.

I am going to try and go swimming in a few minutes, even though it is only a few degrees above freezing.

It is only 2 days until Saturday's 2011 Prairie Fest. Currently the forecast, weather-wise, looks good. Except for some wind action, which can wreak havoc with tents and displays.

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