Thursday, April 28, 2011

Going Swimming In Texas While Not Petting An Armadillo Or Worrying About The World Ending May 21

As you can see, looking up at the Texas sky, this last Thursday of April, it is another blue sky morning at my location on the planet.

Speaking of the planet. I was a little surprised to learn, when I looked at the Seattle P-I this morning, that the world is scheduled to end on May 21. There is a billboard on Aurora Avenue, in Seattle, telling people to save that date because Christ will be returning on that day.

These billboards have been popping up around the country. I have not seen one in my current location in the Buckle of the Bible Belt.

A guy named Harold Camping, of something called Family Radio, is behind the May 21 date. Mr. Camping gets really riled up over those people who claim the world will end in 2012, saying, “That date has not one stitch of biblical authority. It’s like a fairy tale.”

Meanwhile, while I wait for the world to end, I also learned I should not pet my pet armadillo because doing so may cause leprosy. I do not want to become a leper before Jesus arrives and ends the world.

I think I will go swimming now and try to block out worrying about the world ending and catching leprosy.

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