Friday, March 4, 2011

On Top Of Mount Tandy Contemplating Blogging The Details Of Fort Worth's MHMR-Gate Scandal

As you can see, standing on top of Mount Tandy under the Fort Worth Space Needle, looking west at the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth, it was cloudy at noon, this first Friday of March.

Stutterin' Stu did the hill hiking with me today. I quickly remember why I don't usually go hill hiking with Stutterin' Stu.

Engineer mentality. First it was some purple berries could not possibly be poisonous. Then it was analyzing the Tandy Bamboo Teepee, as if a forensic examination was taking place. Stutterin' Stu did discover some odd cuts in the bamboo that added to the mystery.

As the Stutterin' Stu forensic Bamboo Teepee examination continued, I could take it no more, so I took off solo to get to experience the benefits of being in the Tandy Hills Natural Sanatorium Area.

While I was doing my solo hiking and contemplating, I contemplated a blog comment I got a couple days ago from someone calling him or herself "Anonymous." Regarding the Paradise Center Scandal, now known as MHMR-Gate, Anonymous said...

"WOW. This could something BIG. I sure hope you know what you're talking about, Mr. Durango. We the citizens and the general public need and deserve to know more about this so-called scandal because MHMR is a trusted and large public organization. Plus many of the weakest and most vulnerable people in our society are directly affected, for better or worse. Do tell. PLEASE."

Well, anyone who pays attention could tell Anonymous that I rarely know for sure what I'm talking about. I am fairly good at creating the illusion I know what I am talking about. It's a gift.


Regarding MHMR-Gate. This afternoon I got email from someone calling herself  "County Commissioner Gal" detailing the MHMR-Gate Scandal in extremely specific detail.

I am trying to confirm that it is okay for me to blog County Commissioner Gal's email. When or if I get that confirmation I'll hit the publish button. Then Anonymous will have him or herself the details of the MHMR-Gate Scandal.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Durango. Our family and even my co-workers have been intrigued by this scandal.

    This is a very good possibility since this city seems to breed certain "leaders" who just cannot overcome the human temptations of greed, power, and carnal interests. The FWISD had a scandal that ran off the previous superintendent and his high priced replacement just seems to cut from the same cloth.

    Of course, a public institution similar to MHMR had their CEO, and his executives, and some of the Board of Trustees leave in disgrace after the FW newspaper exposed the exploitation of the poor for the personal gain and status of the leaders of the JPS Hospital District.

    It was before our time, but we kept hearing some old hands say that the previous CEO of MHMR was thrown out after a major financial scandal.

    Cannot wait to see what you've uncovered. Forget the so called professional journalists. Truth is truth. And it's very powerful when combined with the unconquerable human spirit. Just look at the news from Africa and the Middle East.
