Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Muammar Gaddafi Doing It The Fort Worth Way Being An Example Of How To Deal With The MHMR-Gate Scandal

I tell you, Anonymous and the Paradise Center MHMR-Gate Scandal is one of those gifts that just keeps giving.

I got a couple comments from the ubiquitous Anonymous today in which I learned some things.

I learned MHMR CEO Jim McDermott is so rich and powerful he will survive the MHMR-Gate Scandal just like he has his previous scandals.

I learned that Jim McDermott is a survivor, just like Muammar Gaddafi, who will crush his opponents just as ruthlessly as the Libyan dictator.

I learned Teresa Davis is a whiney "boohoo."

I learned the reason MHMR has not addressed the concerns of the Paradise Center people is because they are little nobodies.

I learned if the Fort Worth Star-Telegram does not report a story, this means the story is not worth reporting.

The most interesting thing, to me, that I learned from Anonymous, is that this blog is a pathetic news source. I knew my blog was pathetic, but I had no idea it was a news source. I did know I was a damn Yankee and a nobody. Which Anonymous also pointed out quite poetically.

And now for your informative reading pleasure, the two comments I got from an Anonymous MHMR thug today.....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "County Commission Gal Explains Fort Worth's MHMR-G...":

Dr. McDermott has so many political connections and money at his disposal that this scandal will just fade away, like other ones during his twenty something years as the top dog.

Like the powerful Col.Kadafi in Libya, Jim McDermott will get his political allies to crush these loony birds and that hard headed woman many seem to see as a saintly figure. P-l-e-e-z. She can't hold a candle to the awesome women in charge now Lynn and Ellen.

You all go get a life. Or a job, like that whiney Teresa "bohoo" Davis.

BTW, it's not any kind of suppression of freedom by MHMR, it's just that they have more important things to do than answer questions from you little nobodies. 

Especially the damn yankee owner of this pathetic news source. If the Star-Telegram doesn't report it, it ain't worth the time. Period. 

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Paradise Center Scandal Has Me Mad As Hell At ..."

To answer your question, yep it's all over. Move along. There's nothing to see here. 

Just FYI to all the fools and this blog owner, you think a handful of crazies and an unemployed (probably unemployable now) woman can win against a PhD. and a $100M government McDermott agency? Really?


  1. Wow. No wonder MHMR people, their governmenal sponsor the elected County Commissioners, and the rest of the populace don't seem to give a @$$%. We have an entrenched dictator running an agency that controls hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.

    He and his crowd have every one subdued apparently. Except for you, a handful of courageous citizens who are already weighted down by significant mental and physical illnesses, and the immigrant and his wife.

    Are we still living in the United States of America?
    You know, land of the FREE and home of the BRAVE?

    May God have mercy on us all. And may we be prepared because when such unAmerican and unconscienable things are accepted as the NORM, ANY OF US LITTLE NOBODIES COULD BE NEXT.

  2. Congratulations, Mr. Durango. You must be seen as a pretty serious threat to their power and scheme when they monitor your site and launch attacks against you.

    I'd wear it as a badge of courage.

    There should be some kind of organized effort to allow little nobodies like us to show our support for those courageous people standing up to this bureaucratic thug. And to let this homegrown two bit dictator know that this is the U.S. of America and not Libya.

  3. Concerned Visions DirectorMarch 21, 2011 at 7:06 AM

    Jim McDermott is a better political boss in the tradition of Boss Tweed than a public servant overseeing effective and ethical administration of a taxpayer funded agency to help the most vulnerable people in our community.

    He has gotten many local politically influential people on his side by using his little 501/c/3 non-profit called MHMR Visions to get a few thousand dollars donated to help "at risk MHMR programs" in return for gaining political connections by having people from various local entities "Honored" at backslapping banquets or serving on the Board of his Visions.

    See and see County Commissioner/Judge Glen Whitley and County Executive G.K. Maenius' wife (?) smiling and hobknobbing with Boss McDermott.

    If you look closely at the Visions webpage, you'll notice the claim that Paradise Center is one of their " at-risk programs" and that Jim McDermott is the President of the Visions Board, which is very odd and perplexing since it has a slate of Officers already including a Board Chairperson.

    Is Jim McDermott is drunk with his power that he's adding titles to himself?

    One title that should be added for this local political boss and bully is "disgraced former ceo of MHMR of Tarrant County".

  4. VERY MAD!! MHMR employeeMarch 21, 2011 at 1:38 PM

    I'm using MY OWN SMART PHONE ON MY LUNCH BREAK to let you and all the citizens know that this Jim McDermott (I'm not gonna claim him as my boss!!) and his crew are a bunch of vicious people around.

    Because I and some of my co-workers have just got evidences to confirm the rumor that these nasty people have been working like hell to prevent Theresa Davis from getting approved for the small temporary unemployment payments from the Texas Workforce Commission.

    They twisted facts and made up stuff JUST SO THEY CAN HURT this good woman some more.

    We are so disgusted by this news that we cancelled our lunch orders.

    How can decent people EAT after they just found out that these immoral people are TRYING TO STARVE and even make homeless a good person and her family!! And for what?

    These thugs wont say it but most everybody in the agency now know that it was because she DARED STAND UP to their bullying tactics to force her to lie and maybe break some laws. That's why and only why.

    I hope youll expose these scumbags for their low down dirty deeds, Mr. Durangotexas. NASTY people!!

  5. VERY MAD! mhmr employeeMarch 21, 2011 at 1:45 PM

    P.S. I hope they get charged and convicted or something for this AND other dirty stuff they done to other employees. And the criminal way they treated those clients who WORKED so hard to make Paradise Center such a special place and organization. I AM SO MAD AND DISGUSTED with that &*^%$ James McDermott and his stupid #$%^ gals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Holy crap!! This scandal is starting to unravel right before our eyes, seems so much worse than first thought. What with unexplained termination of a popular veteran front line professional staff, night time show of force and fleeing leaders of a reputable nonprofit organization operated by and for people with serious mental illnesses,their legal name, authority, and properties stripped (until public exposure and threat of scrutiny by superiors), gun toting security guards posted to intimidate these people exercising their constitutional and moral rights, shady behavior by Trustees, lack of follow up by County Govt., locking up private properties, deliberate lack of transparency + dishonesty in claiming this was SIMPLY a personnel issue and change of program leadership, questionable relationship between the aggressors and those with inherent duty to advocate and advance the human rights and dignity of ones of their own, secretive business dealing with a private HMO to generate substantial profit from Medicaid, new and unfriendly replacement paid staff who reportedly allowed some dangerous situations, not helping to calm and explain the sudden and drastic changes to confused and upset people who are already burdened by their illnesses, nasty anonymous personal attacks on seemingly good people that didn't even spare a young child or a gravely ill woman, refusal to give answers to simple and proper questions from the real bosses..the taxpaying citizens, revelations of deep seated anger and non-confidence in the agency leadership by its employees, lots of wasted time paid for by tax dollars for high level executives to run back and forth between agency headquarters and a tiny little old facility that might have been used in an unconscienable scheme to rob these vulnerable people of a spacious new community center voted for in a bond proposal, signs of disgust and distrust from the rank and file employees from oppressive orders restricting their rights and glaring disparities between the bigwigs and the direct care workers and the clients , harassment of various clients by mhmr staff, a growing list of reports that raises very serious questions about the judgment and moral integrity of the CEO, his handpicked Trustees and executive team, with the petty and vindictive actions intended to defame and even to impoverish the terminated employee for daring to stand up to bullying tactics designed to break her down and stop resisting the scheme that would violate her personal and professional ethical standards and possibly violate regulations and laws pertaining to the nonprofit she had served faithfully and effectively for almost ten straight years.

    And signs of very costly legal actions coming from various sources, with the most obvious one being brought by the Paradise Center, both by the organization for breach of contract to start with, and by its members for a number of causes of action.

    That's what a few hours of careful reading of your excellent public service blog produced in my notebook.

    Other than these minor things, everything is a-okay and business as usual at MHMR-TC and in Tarrant.
