Saturday, March 5, 2011

I TRIPPED Up In The Botanic Gardens In Fort Worth Tonight Without Elsie Hotpepper

I lasted longer at the TRIP meeting tonight than I thought I would. I made it through the meet and greet part.

Then I made it part way into the main show, before my Adult Attention Deficit Disorder kicked in, which had me thinking I could be doing something else, until the impulse to leave could be resisted no longer.

It would have helped if Elsie Hotpepper had showed up, as expected, at Fort Worth's Botanic Gardens tonight.

The promised hors d’oeuvres turned out to be a buffet table laden with tasty goodies. Waiting in the line reminded me of good times in Las Vegas and Reno waiting in a slow buffet line behind people older than me.

I was deathly afraid someone at this thing might recognize me. I hate it when that happens. So, I went in Clark Kent mode, with glasses. It worked. No one recognized me.

After about a half hour of sitting solo, eating hors d’oeuvres, this nice lady in a slinky black dress indicated I should come to her. I did so. She told me the show was about to begin. And that I could go get myself a good seat.

Good seat, to me, means a seat located in the back near an exit.


Imagine my surprise when the show starts up and the nice lady in the slinky black dress was introduced as, and I hope I get the name right, Layla Caraway.

Like the seeds, I think.

Miss Caraway gave a good introduction as to what TRIP is all about. As in sane management of the Trinity River. As opposed to the current insane management of the Trinity River.

Miss Caraway ended her speech introducing a documentary, produced by KERA in Dallas, about the Trinity River. It is a good documentary.


I had already seen it.

This was when my AADD started kicking in.

So, I decided to slink away in the dark and return to my present moment, free of something I'd already seen.

Imagine my shock, as I exited, to literally bump into Miss Caraway. It was very awkward. I explained that having seen that documentary had caused my AADD to kick in. Miss Caraway explained that the documentary would soon be over and speakers would be speaking.


Once the AADD kicks in, there is no turning back. It really is a difficult condition to live with.

I must say, the Trinity River Improvement People have put together a rather impressive operation. It obviously is more reality based than the Trinity River Vision. TRIP seems to be wanting to actually solve actual real problems, rather than build Wakeboard Parks and unneeded flood diversion channels and a little pond pretending to be a lake.

It seems to me that if TRIP gets its message right and accurately aims that message at the Trinity River Vision, that the people in the rest of America, who are helping pay for the Trinity River Vision, will join with TRIP in demanding that the Vision to Nowhere be permanently blinded.

Before it hurts people.


  1. You must've really been TRIPPING , Durango. You the blogging Wizard of Cause, out from behind your computer screens, among the public in a fairly intimate setting, and then meeting the beautiful and talented Layla Caraway. Wowy, wowsa.

    The picture you've posted looks like a mini-Academy Awards show. The Plan does sound like a plan, rather than a delusion. And a deception to dilute our natural, civic, legal, financial, and political resources. Theft and robbery, in other words.

    But if the people get to choose in some way, whether by formal vote or other expression of popular wishes, then it is a common cause. Not common thievery of our hard earned liberties, properties, and our children's future.

    My only concern, Is that articulate and attractive Layla Caraway going to be strong enough to reject offers from CHK and their eminent domaining buddies around here to work for their side and make butt-load$$ of, ahem, friends and taking a lot exotic TRIPS in private jets? Because CHK's propagandanista Julie Wilson is getting old and tired, both in how she feels and how the people view her.

    Did local environmental activists make the TRIPP to support this environmentally friendly cause? After all, we share the same water, air, trees and other life-sustaining life forms, and help foot the bill for greedy schemes that bring short term gain for the few and eventually go down the river, so to speak.

    MHMR's CEO Jim McDermott was probably too busy working on another cause, a personal CYA one, based on the the eye popping info from that something gal yesterday.

    Shoot, he might even be talking to JD and his mama, Kathleen Hicks, and the Waterboarders night now about getting another cushy high dollar job funded by hard earned tax dollars.

  2. After I met you talking to Layla in the lobby, and refusing to have your picture made, Layla said to me as you were walking off, "You know who that was?" "Who?", I asked. "That was Durango Texas", she said. "DANG! It was!!", I said, incredulously. Not unlike a Clark Kent moment.

  3. TLG---I vaguely recollect talking to Miss Caraway as I made my escape. I don't remember the picture refusal, but that sounds like me. I don't know why Miss Caraway did not introduce me to anyone. I may have asked her not to. I don't remember.

  4. Tarrant Liberty Guy, Congratulations on yourexcellent and innovative event and cause to protect our rights, liberty, and property .

    Are you and your group going to come to the aid of the non-profit organization of, by, and for citizens afflicted by severe forms of mental illnesses? As Paradise Center and its band of disadvantaged people continue their valient fight for self determination? For the rule of law? Against abuse of government power? Against waste of tax dollars?

    And against a type of eminent domain abuse? And against other basic values, rights, and liberties like free speech, transparency and accountability from governmental entities and people in position of public trust?

    The French, some native American tribes, and others came to the aid of the Colonialists in their David v. Goliath fight for the ages just over two centuries ago. Will you come across the county and help in a present day resistance to governmental tyranny and fight for freedom and dignity?

    Actions speak so much louder than words. How you choose to act in response to this freedom's cry will tell the public and the world a lot more than all your oratory prowess and public relation campaigns to win over hearts and minds.

    Many eyes are watching and ears tuned in, Friend of Liberty and the American Way.

  5. Forget the psychos. We're only concerned about real people who own properties and pay property taxes. Can't help everyone, ya know Liberty's Child.
