Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Elsie Hotpepper Got Me To Thinking About The Real Fine Times I Used To Have In My 65 Ford Mustang Fastback

That is a 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback you're looking at in the picture. My first car was a 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback.

Mine is not the one in the picture, but that one looks close to mine, color-wise.

I just got called and told my current mode of vehicular transport has been repaired and is being delivered.

Back when I had my first car I worked on it myself.

I hated working on a car.

I fixed all sorts of things on my old Mustang. New shocks, fuel pump, carburetor, I forget what all. I'd replace the spark plugs. On my current vehicle it is not possible for me to change the spark plugs. I don't think it has a carburetor. I used to change the oil myself on my old Mustang. I have no idea how to do that with my current vehicle.

Elsie Hotpepper brought to mind, a few minutes ago, my history of car troubles with my old Mustang. It would over heat. The spark plugs would get fouled. I got stuck on Lombard Street in San Francisco with the clutch slipping. That same clutch, on that same trip, totally went out in Hollywood, late at night, after having watched the live taping of a TV show at Paramount Studios.

Oddly enough, to get that Mustang clutch fixed all those years ago cost almost the same as today's starter repair, both slightly over $200.

Another fun, unplanned stop, in my old Mustang was when it overheated on the Oakland Bay Bridge.

It amazes me now, looking back on it, that I went on so many roadtrips in that unreliable car. It took me to Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, numerous times to Los Angeles and Disneyland, up to Canada, down to Mexico.

I put a lot of miles on my old Mustang by the time it died.

The Queen of Wink's son is lobbying hard to get an old 65 Mustang from his dad. I told the Queen of Wink I did not think this was a very good idea. It'd be a 46 year old car. Where would you find parts? How much would they cost if you could find them? Then again, if you fixed an old 65 Mustang up to its original glory, they are worth a fortune now.

After my old Mustang no longer ran a guy saw it sitting in a forlorn pasture, gathering moss, in rural Skagit County. This guy paid me $12,000 for that long dead car that I'd only paid $1050 for my senior year in high school.

About a year after selling the old Mustang the guy who bought it showed up at where I was living in Bellingham, showing off my restored old Mustang. I have no idea now how this guy knew where I lived. I shall have to ponder that one.

A short time later I learned that the rear end of my old Mustang had come undone, causing my old Mustang to be totaled. No one was injured.

When my old Mustang was running good, it was the funnest car I've ever had. I had myself some real fine times in that car, real fine times.

Well, enough of that. I've just been informed my newly restored current vehicular transport has arrived.


  1. Remember, if things get bad you can fix food in your car, but you can't drive your house down the road...

  2. Yes, that was a fun car for certain, hauled your tush many miles. Just so you know you can still get parts. They make many catalogs to order from. Pass the word to the Queen and her son.

  3. I beg to differ Steve A. Most Texans have houses that could move on the road in one way or another.
