Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I Slipped & Slided My Way To The Super Bowl Buffet & Found It Closed

That almost looks like a mountain range in the background rising above my neighborhood Super Bowl Buffet.

But, there are no mountain ranges within 100s of miles of the location of my neighborhood Super Bowl Buffet.

In the picture, I am standing in front of Albertsons, looking northeast, across an iced over parking lot, with trucks sliding around helter skelter.

It appeared that the Super Bowl Buffet is not open today. No big surprise, all things considered. But it is sort of ironic that the Super Bowl Buffet is closed on Super Bowl week, with the Super Bowl being played just a few miles to the east in Arlington's Jerry Jones Palace, also known as the Temple of Greed and sometimes referred to as the Dallas Cowboy Stadium.

I wish the Super Bowl Buffet was open today. Now that I've established that I can bi-pedal my way to it, via simulated cross country skiing, I'm in the mood for some good Chinese food.

I probably have ingredients in my refrigerator with which I could simulate a good imitation of Chinese food. But it would not be all that good. And it sure would be no buffet. With shrimp. Come to think of it, I do have shrimp in the freezer.

I've got a few hours of power before the next Rolling Blackouts roll in. I am prepared for it now. Sort of.


  1. I think Chinese buffets have replaced doughnut shops in police lore. It seems like cop cars are always parked at a Chinese buffet near me on Jacksboro Highway.

    And the ice didn't hit my area as hard as areas east from what I can tell.

  2. It's always a major bummer to have your mind set on a certain meal and be disappointed that it's closed. In this case, II wonder whether it's the Chinese (lunar) New Year that's the cause for the closure or just the weather.
