Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Homesick For Washington, Spencer Jack & Vacuum Cleaners

Yesterday I mentioned I'd been being a bit melancholy.

Homesick for Washington.

Multiple reasons.

On Saturday my favorite sister-in-law called me. We had a nice long talk. My favorite sister-in-law is the grandma of my grand nephew (or is it great nephew?) Spencer Jack.

I have only met Spencer Jack once. In late July of 2008, at Bay View State Park in the Skagit Valley of Washington. If I remember right Spencer was a little over 2 years old at that point in time.

Spencer Jack is now between 4 and 5 years old. His grandma told me how much fun he is, and that he inherited the family smart gene. And is old beyond his years.

A couple days ago, on Facebook, I read one of my friends from high school telling Spencer Jack's dad that he was reminding her of his uncle who lives in Texas. Spencer Jack's dad said he's been told that many a time. Something to do with DNA.

When he was a kid, Spencer Jack's dad had a thing for ferry boats. As in the Washington State Ferries. He made models of the ferries. I think it was before Spencer Jack's dad was a teenager he'd already built a scale model version of the entire Washington State Ferry Fleet. That is a lot of boats.

Spencer Jack did not inherit his dad's penchant for ferry boats. Spencer Jack's thing is vacuum cleaners.

He collects them.

This also sort of tells me Spencer Jack inherited the family cleanliness nut gene.

I had not looked at Spencer Jack's blog for awhile. His grandma put it in my mind to do so. I used to be able to link to Spencer Jack's blog, but now you have to be invited to visit Spencer. I don't think I have ever seen so many cute pictures of such a cute kid!

I don't remember if I ever, on this blog, said the reason I terminated having anything to do with someone I dealt with the last time I was in Washington. She had remarked, to me, that a friend of hers new grandbaby was the ugliest baby she'd ever seen. I thought this was an awful thing to say. You might think it, but you just don't say it. Particularly when you happen to be, yourself, well, homely is putting it kindly.

So, I said something like all kids can't be a little cutey like Spencer Jack.

To which Quasimoto said to me, and I'll never forget this, because I do not remember ever instantly going into revulsion mode with someone before, but when this homely excuse for a human told me that Spencer was an ugly baby, and that I only thought he was cute was because I was a member of his tribe, well, I knew we were done.

And that she was a deranged fat pig of a human being.

Though I did not terminate her til it was time to fly out of there. And then she was terminated with extreme prejudice.

Why would anyone in their right mind say such a thing?

I spent the next several months figuring that out, because it sort of fascinated me. I then blogged about exactly how this person was not in her right mind. And what caused it.

A year or so later this sad creature had one of her episodes, directed at me, on another blog. In my reply to that I referred to her as a Fat Ugly Beast. It felt good. If you were one of those who read that, you now know why I felt it was perfectly fair to say such a thing, to such a Fat Ugly Beast of a human being.

If this tribal method did exist as to how one perceives ugliness or beauty, well, hers would definitely be the Fat Ugly Tribe. And it ain't because I am not a member of the Fat Ugly Tribe that I think that. Why would anyone who can look in any random mirror and see she is a member of the Fat Ugly Tribe ever make any comment about any other human's relative ugliness? Particularly a relative relative of mine.

Very perplexing.

Now, does Spencer Jack look like a fun kid or what? I don't think Spencer Jack's dad ever went trick or treating costumed as a ferry boat. Spencer Jack was all over the Skagit Valley on Halloween as a Dirt Devil Vacuum Cleaner.

1 comment:

  1. He is a handsome and smart looking kid. Definitely shares your genetic codes (DNA). Lucky kid.
