Friday, February 4, 2011

Finally Able To Drive And Forage For Food In Texas With Broken Pipe Disasters, White Zinfandel & Snowman Sculpturing

Just when I was about to run out of food, the sun appeared and did some snow and ice melting. By 2 in the afternoon I was able to easily navigate roads without sliding.

Miss Puerto Rico, she being from an island without snow, does not like driving on the white, slippery stuff. She was desperately in need of something called White Zinfandel.

So, I told Miss Puerto Rico if I made it out of here I would get her some of that White Zinfandel stuff she needed.

That is my hand on the wheel, heading east on John T. White Road to my local neighborhood Wal-Mart Supercenter.

Ironically, the week began with me driving to that same Wal-Mart, last Monday, to see the store thronged with panicked people stocking up on supplies. Had I known it would be clear til Friday that I could make it back to Wal-Mart I would have been one of the panicked people stocking up on supplies on Monday.

Today I learned, via his blog, that Gar the Texan, has been snowbound all week in Flower Mound. He too did not stock up on supplies and was running low on vittles by today. I don't know if he made it out today. He lives very close to the Flower Mound Sprouts Farmers Market.

When I got back from Wal-Mart, I delivered to Miss Puerto Rico's abode her White Zinfandel. I then took a picture of the melting snowy view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony. Then I headed back to Miss Puerto Rico's office to tell her the delivery had been made.

I was in Miss Puerto Rico's office when a lady ran in, crying, sobbing that water was flooding into her apartment. There were several people in the office. I asked Miss PR if there was anything I could do.

She asked if I'd go check and see how bad the flood was.

And so I did. It was real bad. Several inches of water all over with a waterfall of water running down the bedroom wall with the ceiling collapsed. I ran back to Miss Puerto Rico to tell her it was real bad, as in a disaster.

Soon I found myself helping move stuff to a display apartment. After awhile I felt I was of no more use, so I walked back to the office zone and saw a guy looking perplexed. I asked if he needed help. He told me he'd been trying to call the Emergency Number, to no avail.

He told me that the laundry was flooding and the ceiling collapsed. I went to tell Miss PR. We then drove to check that out. I'd never seen anything like it. A flood of water running out of the laundry room, with chunks of ceiling falling.

Then we opened the door to the boiler room to see about a foot of water rushing like a river. With chunks of the ceiling falling. Miss PR turned off the hot water somehow, but that only stopped part of the flood.

Then several phone calls took place to plumbers.

Soon after that a call about another break.

And now the water has been cut off at the main, with about a 3 block area without water. Including me.

Miss Puerto Rico says this is the worst disaster in all the time she has been in Texas managing these type disasters.

On a happy note, in the middle of all this I saw a guy making a snowman. Using a novel method. He was filling a bucket with snow, packing it down, and then building the snowman from the resulting pile of cylinders, which he then sculpted.

I stopped and complimented the guy on his impressive snowman engineering technique. He told me he'd never made a snowman before and wanted to make one with his son. Because, he said, who knows when we'll see snow in Texas again.

Well, according to the current forecast, I believe we are scheduled for more possible snow next week.

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