Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cowboys Stadium & The Black Eyed Peas Put On The Best Super Bowl Halftime Show Ever In My Ever So Humble Opinion

The screencap is from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, right after the Super Bowl halftime show.

Green Bay is currently ahead.


I am thinking who is even further ahead is Arlington. And Dallas. And Fort Worth. And North Texas.


After a Super Bowl Week of Weather Misery it appears to me that this zone I am living in is putting on one very impressive Super Bowl.

I now understand that much of what was put up around Cowboys Stadium was actually a well-designed television studio.

But where this went over the top, into impressive zone, was the Halftime Show.

Best ever. In my humble opinion.

And even more impressive. To me. Is this seemed to out-do any Olympics Opening Ceremony Show I've watched. Like that Canadian lame production for the most recent Winter Olympics.

And it was so American. By that I mean, so free-spirited. Right before the Super Bowl started tossing footballs there was a slickly produced reading of the Declaration of Independence. I was starting to think I was watching a propaganda production of the United States Government.

I figured there would be an Air Force fly-by after the singing of the Star Spangled Banner. So, as Christine Aquilera warbled the National Anthem I fired up my camera in anticipation of taking a picture of the Air Force fly-by.

Well, on the TV screen we saw the fly-by, below blue sky, while I looked at a cloudy sky. I thought I may have heard jets.


I think that Air Force fly-by at the end of the National Anthem was totally faked. As in filmed before the event.

I am so disillusioned. But that will not stop me from still thinking this is being one well done Super Bowl.

With a Super great Super Bowl Halftime Show.

I guess I will leave blogging world now and go watch some more boring football.

But, before I subject myself to that, I have to say, the commercials this year have been pretty good.

And now. More football...


  1. I totally agree, the half-time show was actually GOOD.

    This has turned into a real football game, two bitter rivals battling it out.

    Commercials have been just "ok" - I like the Pepsi Maxx commercial where the blond gets hit in the hose with a can.

  2. I agree, that the 'show' was really good. I especially liked the green lit people, very cool. However, I didn't think the actual 'music' was worth a hoot.

  3. MLK, I even liked the commercials this time. Last year I recollect not liking any of them. I thought some of the Doritos commercials bordered on creepy.

    Betty Jo, I like the Black Eyed Peas, but, the sound system in Cowboys Stadium has been a problem from the start and seemed to be again last night.

  4. The flyover was by the Navy and cost $450,000 because the jets flew all the way from Virginia instead of a closer base like the Naval Air Station in Fort Worth.
