Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Two Degrees Above Freezing On The 3rd Wednesday Of 2011 In Texas Aggravated By The Dallas Morning News

The temperature chilled to 34 degrees overnight, which seems to have caused a lot of condensation on my viewing window.

But, not enough condensation that I am prevented from seeing that this 3rd Wednesday of 2011 is starting off with a nice, clear, blue sky.

This morning my #1 Aggravation is the Dallas Morning New online. The hard copy version of the Dallas Morning New is the last newspaper to which I subscribed, til they aggravated me well over a year ago.

The online version of the DMN had a total makeover in the past couple days. You have to be a "Registered" user in order to read the full text of an article. I was already a "Registered" user, but had to confirm my info when the DMN switched to its new format.

One supposedly only needed to confirm ones info once and from that point on logging in would be automatic.

However, this morning the Dallas Morning News online did not remember me. I re-entered the info again. I then got a message that I had til some particular date to do some particular thing that made no sense.

I really don't need to be reading both the Star-Telegram and the Dallas Morning News, even though, for the most part, the Dallas paper seems the better of the two.

So, I'll give the Dallas Morning News online one more chance and if it fails that chance it'll be going in to delete-ville.

And in the meantime I'm going swimming.