Thursday, January 13, 2011

Texas Clouds & Cold Continue to Chill My Usual Sunny Disposition Despite Monosodium Glutamate Poisoning

I was erroneous earlier this morning when I optimistically opined that we were having ourselves a clear blue Texas sky this Wednesday morning.

As happens way too often, my optimism was unwarranted, with reality turning out to be the opposite.

Which means it is cloudy this morning, just like it was all day yesterday, as you can see via the dimly lit view from my gray dominated abode.

I don't think I am even going to attempt to go out in it today to get some salubrious aerobic activity. It was just too COLD when I was out in it yesterday.

I suppose I could dredge up the stuff I wear to go skiing.

I know all my ski equipment made the move with me to Texas and it is located somewhere inside these walls. I suppose ski pants, ski gloves and a ski jacket might make the Texas COLD tolerable.

The last time I saw my cross country skis I was not happy to see that they had somewhat de-laminated. I had foolishly stored them in a storage area that was not protected from the Texas HEAT.

Did I mention I got poisoned by Monosodium Glutamate the past couple days? I bought a bag of jerky at Town Talk. It said it was "All Natural." I've learned to be wary of "All Natural." But I was not this time. I looked at the ingredients only far enough to see that papaya extract had been used. I went no further on the list.

Then, starting late Tuesday I got a headache and felt like my head might explode. Woke up with the same woe Wednesday morning. By Wednesday afternoon I recollected that the way I was feeling was how I've felt when succumbing to Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, back when MSG was widely used in such places.

I then again looked at the ingredient list on the bag of jerky and was appalled to see Monosodium Glutamate on the list.

Thursday morning I am free of symptoms. For the most part.

Except I am very very COLD.

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