Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Shadow Of The Tandy Hills Pinhead Startling Scurrying Fort Worth Police Cockroaches

I was late in the afternoon today, making it to the Tandy Hills for my daily main dose of aerobicizing.

You can sort of tell I am late on the hills due to the lighting. And somehow that lighting made the Shadow of the Tandy Hills Thin Man into the Shadow of the Tandy Hills Pinhead.

The trails on the hills are in great shape, totally recovered from their recent bout of mud and totally ready to be trampled on by hundreds of Manly Men/Wild Women Feet this coming Saturday.

The temperature was nearing 60 when I headed for the hills this afternoon. So, once more, back in shorts and t-shirt.

Whilst moving fast today I snagged a stick and this somehow ripped a big tear in my favorite cargo shorts. These were my last remaining undamaged cargo shorts. This is nothing short of a minor tragedy.

Now, let's back up in time a bit to the point where I arrived at the Tandy Hills. Today I decided to hike from the top of Mount Tandy. When my usual parking place, underneath the Fort Worth Space Needle came in to view I saw two Fort Worth police cars.

Oh oh, this can't be good, I thought.

So, I parked far away from the cop cars, since they were blocking my access to my regular parking spot. As I began walking towards the cop cars one started towards me.

I had instant deju vu of last year's confrontations with white Express Energy pickups.

The cop car reached me. His window was down. He was talking into his microphone, but he stopped where I stood. I asked is there a problem? Is it safe to go hiking?

The cop said there's no problem. He continued on. So did I. Then the second cop car started moving. He drove right by me, driver's window closed. Passenger window open.

I reached in my pocket and got out my camera, turned it on and turned around to snap a picture. The first picture only showed the second cop car, blocking the view of the first one. I waited for the cops to turn to the left so I could get both in a picture.

Well, they drove past my vehicle and then pulled up beside each other again..

Now, why, when I showed up and started walking towards them, did the cops scurry like a pair of cockroaches when a light is turned on?

And why, after they thought I was gone, did they pull up side by side again? To continue talking through those open windows?

Were the two cops parked in this isolated location because they thought they could pass some of their duty time unnoticed? Was there no donut stand nearby?

It was all very very odd.


  1. Cops are not immune to having dalliances while on duty. I often spot a pair of them on the dead end of Ben Street. When I drive by they usually scurry. Like an old friend once told me, "There's pitiful little love i the world."

  2. In his last shorts and a t shirt when it is below 60. Clearly, Durango isn't from around here.

    Odd behavior by Fort Worth Police doesn't seem particularly out of the ordinary. But then, I ride a bike in Fort Worth...

  3. I saw the same (probably) 2 police cars as I was running back home from the Tandy Tower entrance about 4 p.m. About 100 yards down Broadcast Hill, the cop in the lead car stopped and asked if I had seen any vehicles or unusual activity. I said I hadn't seen anyone in the park itself, but that there had been a red pickup parked off to the right by the radio antenna lot about an hour before, hoping against all odds that they were there to apprehend the litterbugs who left their antenna equipment scattered all over near the Tandy Tower entrance.
    A few minutes later, I was in my back yard planting onions when a helicopter showed up and cruised the area for a while. Apparently, whoever it was evaded both us and the police.

  4. Stenotrophomonas, when the cop drove by me I asked if there was a reason I shouldn't go hiking. He said no problem. I think I was there right after 4. I keep figuring those tower working guys are gonna come back and pick up all that junk. I did not notice if the long power cord is still laying on the ground.

    Steve A, the almost 60 didn't feel at all cold. I think this is something more to do with I'm used to the trauma of being out in the cold that being used to the trauma of PNW cold.

    DY, I've seen cop cars parked at the end of Ben St. before too. It had not crossed my mind to think cop dalliance, naive boy that I am.

  5. Say it ain't so, DY and Mr.Durango. FW officials, staff and office holders, actually breaking the very rules that they punish us little people in a heartbeat?
