Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Predicted Sunday Snow Has Begun To Fall On Fort Worth Earlier Than Predicted

A few minutes past noon the snow began to fall on my zone of North Texas, that being far east Fort Worth. I had to zoom the view from my patio in order to get the blizzard to show up in a picture.

The air temperature is currently 38, so no snow is currently sticking.

This white stuff has arrived hours before it was scheduled to start falling.

Does this portend a big pileup, like Christmas Eve of 2009? Will tomorrow bring Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex Snow Gridlock?

Or worse?

I am heading out in a bit, to head to Hurst, to ALDI Food Market, to stock up on vittles in anticipation of a possible long snow siege. That and being out in it sounds fun to me.

Wish me luck. I am not the best snow/ice driver in the world.


  1. Weatherbug says it's 32F at 1:30 just a little NE of Hurst. I think it may start to stick if trends continue. You may have a choice to make tomorrow morning when you wake up!

  2. Steve A---I have just returned from ALDI in Hurst. The snow was sticking by the time I left the store and was pumping gas across the street. Still not sticking here in East FW though. I expect that will soon change. I'm guessing D/FW will be shut down by morning.
