Monday, January 31, 2011

The Non-Freezing Last Morning Of The First Month Of 2011 With An Arctic Blastl Heading To North Texas With A Wind Chill Below Zero

Looking out my viewing portal at the dawn of the last day of the first month of 2011 which has arrived 6 degrees above freezing.

If the weather prognosticators are to be believed this will be the last morning, for awhile, that will not be well below freezing, as we are heading into one of the most significant cold spells in North Texas in many years.

Just in time to greet football fans arriving for Sunday's Super Bowl.

Thunderstorms may be booming later today.

Strong winds will be blasting in Tuesday night, bringing the Big Chill, with the wind chill plunging to below zero.

Yesterday, when I saw all the temporary Super Bowl structures built on the former parking lots that surround the Dallas Cowboy Stadium, the first thing that crossed my mind was what if those things get blasted by a windstorm.

If it gets windy during daylight hours I think I'll go hang out on the Stadium Wal-Mart parking lot to watch what happens live.

In the meantime I am not going swimming this morning.


  1. D,
    Will you be at the class reunion planning meeting tonight @ The Trainwreck??? If so, I will save you a seat.

  2. Betty Jo, I'm flying out in about 20 minutes, messaging from the plane, on board waiting for takeoff. I'll need you to both save me a seat at the Trainwreck and pick me up at Sea-Tac. Thank you in advance. I don't know how you are gonna manage the logistics.

  3. I was at the airport. Where were you? Make arrangements for the airporter next time!!! You are not reliable!

  4. Betty Jo, I'm sorry, but a humongous ICE STORM has frozen North Texas. I called you to tell you I could not get out of here, but your cell phone told me you were not available and that your voice mailbox was full. Sorry you were stuck at the airport for 2 hours. Next time check to make sure my flight made it out of here before you go to the airport.
