Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Looking At The Envy Of The Nation From On Top Of Mount Tandy Thinking Good God This Town Has An Idiot For A Mayor

I was not able to get outside for any salubrious walking until after 4 this afternoon. I decided to go to the Tandy Hills, even though I was fairly certain the trails would not be dried out, I figured I could do some cross-prairie hiking.

I figured right.

In the picture you are looking west across the prairie on top of Mount Tandy. In the distance you can see the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth, you know that town that recently became the Envy of the Nation because a school in the town won the Rose Bowl.

I learned this morning that in the same batch of utterings where Fort Worth's Moron Mayor, Mike Moncrief, told the people listening to him, at a celebration for TCU's Rose Bowl win, that that win made Fort Worth the Envy of the Nation, that additionally, apparently, the mentally challenged mayor also spewed out some profanity that offended the delicate sensibilities of some of the Texas Christian University Christians in the crowd.

I do not know what exactly the mayor said, but whatever it was, some considered it to be a case of taking the  Good Lord's name in vain.

Am I the only person in this town who thinks Fort Worth would be well rid of this sad excuse for a mayor? I've given up on the idea that the dishonorable mayor is ever going to get in any trouble for his conflicts of interest violations, making millions from the gas drillers operating in his town.

Maybe with Fort Worth being part of the Buckle of the Bible Belt, the dishonored mayor will be run out of town for taking the Lord's name in vain. In these parts this may be a worse crime than making big bucks violating conflicts of interest laws.


  1. So the hard cold (literally) facts are that this modern day Nero was partying it up at the TCU coliseum while a segment of the citizenry hurriedly exited their homes as if there's a fire.

    What a disturbing image.

    P.S. What did (or how much) the man drink to cause him to let his guard down and reveal his true profane self?

    This is not the first time I've heard reports about his vindictive inner being coming forth. But in large public setting (civic, religious, academic no less) is a definite first. May it be the last one. A woman can dream, no?

  2. Pink with Shame in Fort WorthJanuary 22, 2011 at 4:48 PM

    That moron mayor Moncrief- to borrow a well turned phrase from you- just might make us the laughing stock of the nation with his pinhead remarks about Fort Worth being the "Envy of the Nation" because of a football win.
