Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Clouds Return On The Morning Of The 3rd Tuesday Of 2011 While My Drinking Water Source Changes

The sun has not quite illuminated my surroundings enough to make an absolute determination, but currently it appears we are back under a gray cloud cover on this 3rd Tuesday of 2011.

On a warmer note it is not freezing at only 2 degrees shy of being 50. Which you can sort of tell because no steam is fuming from my hot tub.

This morning I learned my drinking water may be tasting not so good for a few days. Apparently the Tarrant Regional Water District will be working on the water supply lines that bring water in from East Texas.

While the water lines are being worked on, the water I drink will be coming from Benbrook Lake. That is to the southwest of my location.

One thing I've not understood about Texas drinking water coming from lake sources is the lakes are also used for recreation. As in boats and swimming. Where my drinking water came from in Washington, the Judy Reservoir, that lake is surrounded by high fence with concertina wire on top.

I am used to enhancing the drinkability of my Texas water by keeping a big pitcher of water with lemon slices floating in it, in the fridge.

All this water talk is making me think it is time to go swimming now. Talk to you later.


  1. D, Try enhancing you drinking water with orange slices instead of lemon. It is not quite as biting and equally as refreshing. Just saying....

  2. Betty Jo, thanks for the orange advice. These lemons were sweet Meyer Lemons sent from Arizona by my mom and dad. Not biting and real refreshing.

  3. Next time, please correct my typos. Much appreciated.

  4. Betty Jo, it took me a long time to find your typo. I have no way to correct such things. Sorry. You're just gonna have to live with the shame. You'll get used to it. I know I have.
