Friday, January 21, 2011

20 Degrees In North Texas Thinking About It Being 50 Years Since JFK's Inauguration

That is one icy view looking out my viewing window this morning.

20 degrees.

A totally clear, blue sky and 20 degrees. I will not be going swimming this morning.

But, I will need to find something to do today that is aerobically stimulating because endorphin withdrawal is making me cranky and slightly headachy.

Being an addict is such a burden.

On a totally non-temperature related subject, today is the 50th Anniversary of John F. Kennedy's Inauguration. It seems like only yesterday JFK told America that the torch had been passed to a new generation, saying, among many other things, that "civility is not a sign of weakness," and the more remembered, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Typing "JFK" caused me to think it's been a long time since we've had a President to whom we referred to by his initials. Methinks "LBJ" was the last one.

Switching from JFK and LBJ to a totally different subject.

For months now my various blogs have been inundated with increasingly weird, nonsensical comments. Strange gibberish things written as if by someone for whom English is a totally foreign language.

A mild example of what I'm talking about......

Excellent blog! I genuinely passion how it's acquiescent on my eyes as grammatically as the info are ooze written. I am wondering how I may be notified whenever a different record has been made. I own subscribed to your rss maintain which should do the dodge! Get a nice daytime!

Why would anyone go to the bother of making such a comment? And to what purpose? It is very perplexing.


  1. Why would anyone go to the bother of making such a comment?

    Perhaps they are using your blogs to learn English. I haven't noticed any poor writing here other than my own although I only read the Durango Texas site.

  2. I dunno, Anonymous, if that's your real name. I should start saving the weirdest of the strange comments and then print a bunch of them. It is like someone is trying to learn English. I used to get email from a Singaporean named Wee Cheng who would fracture up the English at times in amusing ways. That is sort of what it reminds me of.

  3. I guess you didn't know of plans to outsource bloggings??

    I experience so sadness extremely by you :>)
