Friday, December 3, 2010

The Tandy Hills Helped Today's Existential Angst While Chase Bank Added To It

You are looking north on one of the long and winding trails on the Tandy Hills, around noon, today.

Even though it had been less than 24 hours since I had my mystical Tandy Hills encounter with an Aztec Indian, I felt compelled to return to the sacred ground, due to the extreme case of Existential Angst from which I am currently suffering.

Hill hiking seemed to help. A little.

I do not recollect a more perfectly temperatured day to be hiking on the Tandy Hills than today.

I think I already mentioned, in the blogging previous to this one, that I heard from Steve Doeung this morning. Steve wants to take me and Elsie Hotpepper to Vietnam. I mentioned this to Elsie. We both think this sounds fun. So, I guess it will be to Vietnam we shall go. But, not this weekend, not while I am having this Existential Angst thing hanging over my head.

Changing subjects. Today I got a letter from Chase Bank. I have long regretted the day Washington Mutual got taken over by Chase Bank. It's been like I was living in a democratic republic that was taken over by an autocratic monarchy, that one by one by one has been taking my WaMu freedoms away. And doing so with Orwellian verbiage that makes it sound like Chase is doing me a favor.

Today I learned that Chase is replacing my Free Checking with something called Chase Total Checking. Free Checking will now cost $12 a month.

I just checked to see how easy it is to switch my Google AdSense to a new bank account. It appears to be easy. Google is the only thing I can think of that might have presented a difficulty. Changing the bank account in other accounts, like PayPal, is easy.

So, I'm now looking for a new bank. It's the principle of the thing. When Chase took over they told WaMu customers our WaMu account's attributes would remain the same, only now with the protection of Chase Bank.

Anyone have any good bank suggestions? We can rule out US Bank.

Changing subjects again. I got a lot of good stuff. Again. At Town Talk today. Sushi was in the cooler again. And grape tomatoes. I got a lot of grape tomatoes. And dried pineapple. And a big bag of fire-roasted eggplant. Plus smoked Provolone.

I think it may be Town Talk that is making me FAT. Which is just one more factor in my ongoing Existential Angst.


  1. Try Woodhaven or Riverbend. You may have to get a little more cash each time since they don't have an ATM on every street corner. But there is no point in banking with any of the big government-bailed wanks. Or maybe a credit union.

  2. I suggest Fort Worth Federal Credit Union. Been a member for 20 years. Personal service, good people there.

    Yes, TT will make you fat. Just look at about 75% of the folks coming out of there! I love it tho. I envy your eggplant.

