Saturday, December 18, 2010

Rent Your Home For The Super Bowl For Up To $10,000 Per Day & Other Mysteries

The Super Bowl takes place February 6, avid football fan that I am, I know these things.

The Super Bowl takes place in Arlington's Dallas Cowboy Stadium. The Dallas Cowboys will not be playing in the Super Bowl. Not this year. And not into anyone's foreseeable future.

Arlington has no mass transportation. Not even buses. Well, there are these trolley bus-like devices that run a circuit around Arlington's Entertainment District, but no bus transit system, and no rail mass transit.

Unless you count Amtrak, which I assume runs through Arlington.

It seems like it would have been so much better to have built the Dallas Cowboy Stadium in Dallas, at Fair Park, now served by a DART train line. Dallas has a bus system. And a light rail network that covers a lot of miles.

There are a lot of motels and hotels in the D/FW Metroplex zone. Some of them are quite enormous.

And yet I am seeing signs at all the freeway exits that I have exited from, of late, like today at the Beach Street exit from I-30, offering up to $10,000, per day, to rent out your home for the Super Bowl.

Who would want to rent out their home to some incoming strangers? And why would anyone in their right mind want to pay up to $10,000 a day to stay in some stranger's home when you could spend way less and stay in a very nice hotel?

Are there actually any takers on this bizarre proposal on either end? Someone with a nice home willing to rent it out? And someone willing to pay a lot to stay in it so they can pay $75 to park somewhere near the Dallas Cowboy Stadium and pay who knows how much to actually get inside the stadium?

I have only seen one NFL game in person. Years ago in the Kingdome, watching the Seahawks. Play who? I don't remember. What I do remember was it was so incredibly boring. Much worse than watching it on TV. I don't remember if giant Jumbotrons had been invented at that point in time. I suspect not, because what so struck me was how, unlike watching on TV, the players and plays were so far away, like miniatures.

In the new Dallas Cowboy Stadium you can watch the game on the world's biggest TV screens, hung above the field. Why one would want to do that rather than just watch it at home is a mystery to me.

Avid football fan that I am.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, local cities have tried to put out the word that is mostly a scam on the part of the people (or scums) behind these cheap looking signs. They will get some up front administrative fee for the gullible homeowners.

    Thee will be a few instances when a wealthy party will rent a HUGE home or mansion for their entourage. They definitely would not be going through cheezy (or sleazy) looking operators. And there are definitely no homes coming close to being a huge home or mansion around the West Meadowbrook neighborhood. Visitors might take the Beach st. exit off of Tom Landry Freeway (I-30)in order to visit the Tandy Hills NA, or to see the famous Ft. Woof dog park, or even to see the famous Carter Ave. where some man managed to do the impossible: beat Chesapeake and their billion$ and eminent domain power and their partner City and its oily (gassy or greasy) mayor in order to protect his working class neighbors and his family from being exploited for obscene profit as part of CHK's attempts to cram a 16-inch diameter gas pipeline down their little front yards.

    Or they just want to see if they can hike with a certain famous blogger. But not renting $10,000.00 homes right on the border with one of the country's most dangerous neighborhoods to live in (i.e. the shelter district, which makes many people green with ?).
