Monday, December 13, 2010

The Overexposed Icy Shadow Of The Tandy Hills Thin Man Worrying About Natural Gas Dissipating All Over Fort Worth

You are looking at a photo facsimile of the Overexposed Icy Shadow of the Tandy Hills Thin Man, taken around noon today.

I don't know what the technical term for that Shadow photo is. Overexposed? I did not realize, when I was taking pictures today, that the camera was still on the ISO setting that I use to take a picture when it is dark, like the picture, this morning, of the view from my cold window.

I do not know what ISO means. No one will tell me. Not even Google.

I reluctantly agreed to take Big Ed hiking with me to the Tandy Hills today. I usually am not agreeable to that, due to a propensity for incidents that reduce the peacefulness of being in the Tandy Hills Sanatorium.

Big Ed wanted to go hiking today due to too much sitting apparently causing his feet to swell up like an overweight pregnant lady in her 8th month.

Yesterday I saw an odd comment or posting or whatever you call it on Facebook, by Big Ed, something about screaming like a school girl. It really made no sense.

For me the hiking did not go well. Why? I don't know. It started off badly when I tripped on a cable. After that I seemed a bit unstable. So, I sort of cut the hiking short.

I was parked at the top of Mount Tandy.

You can tell when Big Ed approaches due to the loud wheezing and the thumping of his heftiness as he stomps along the trail.

I got myself a big chunk of wood, hid behind a bush and waited for Big Ed to wheeze past on his way up Mount Tandy. When he did I threw the chunk of wood at him. He jumped and let out a scream like one of those school girls he Facebooked about.

As soon as I saw the height of the jump and volume of the scream I regretted not having my camera out and on and in video mode.

On a completely different note. This past week I have speculated as to whether or not my recent respiratory woes might be related to Chesapeake Energy activity at their gas pad across the street from my abode, which they were working on last week.

This morning, in north Fort Worth, an XTO Engergy gas well site was pluming out a big vapor cloud. Fort Worth Firefighters arrived and blocked off the site of the leak, while Fort Worth police routed traffic away from Main Street. I am guessing this leaker is a gas well site due west of the Trinity River, due south of the Fort Worth Stockyards. I recollect being appalled when I saw one going up there whilst pedaling my now stolen bike on the Trinity Trails.

An XTO crew got the leak under control before the fire officials went into evacuation mode.

A spokesman for XTO Energy said the vapor cloud dissipated as soon as the leak was stopped.

Dissipated? As in mixed in with the air we all breathe? Or, for some of us, try to breathe? I prefer my air to be free of dissipated natural gas.

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