Friday, December 17, 2010

No Shadow Of The Thin Man On The Tandy Hills Today While Recovering From Betty Jo Bouvier Stomping On My Foot

There was no Shadow of the Thin Man on the Tandy Hills today, due to there being no bright sun present, due to a grayish vapor of unknown origin covering the sky.

This morning I read one of the saddest things I've read in awhile. That being Gar the Texan's tale of the cruise from which he just returned.

It reads like a romance novel, not that I have ever read a romance novel, but it's what I except one to be like.

Gar the Texan's romance novel is the story of a lonely boy, sailing solo, staring into glass after glass of adult libations, singing karaoke, trying to get into crew parties with attempts to buy a crew uniform and finally having an emotional breakdown with an old lady who had also lost her spouse and was sailing solo.

All while on a quest to learn where Macedonia is.

Now, let us leave Gar the Texan and return to the Tandy Hills. It was cold on the hills today, requiring 2 layers of long sleeved shirts, plus a windbreaker with a hoodie, which I needed to use to block the cold wind.

I have been having a sore foot woe for several weeks now. I don't know what I did to cause this woe. The right foot is the biggest pain.

In last night's nightmare, which I mentioned earlier today, the nightmare where I found myself driving in Afghanistan with Betty Jo Bouvier in heavy duty harping nag mode. Well, what I did not mention was that when we got to Kabul and got out of the car, Betty Jo stomped on my right foot real hard, paining me deeply.

It was very strange how my real life pain became part of the nightmare, with Betty Jo making it worse.

Today on the Tandy Hills that right foot was hurting the worst ever. And then after about a half mile the pain abated like it always does.

Tonight I intend to keep the dangerous Betty Jo Bouvier out of my nightmares, if I can.


  1. "Saddest" can be good thing.

    And I simply asked Natosha where she was from. She said, "Macedonia".

    I said, "Where exactly is Macedonia? I went to a small school and they didn't teach history or geography and besides, we in Texas believe we're the only land area worth knowing about so for the most part it's irrelevant."

    She got a little teary eyed, but she explained it to me.

  2. Gar, methinks you are thinking of "sadist." You seem to be doing some mixing up of words of late.

    If they didn't teach history in your little West Texas school, how did you learn that Fort Worth had actually once been a fort? Well, actually a camp, not a fort.

  3. I wasn't really thinking anything. Just quoting "saddest".

    The wise and venerable Durango taught me that Fort Worth was actually a fort, but nor really a fort, but a camp.

    He probably said it just like that too which is why it's still confusing.

  4. Well, I am thinking it is probably a good thing that you don't think 'sadist' is a good thing.

    Wise and venerable? You calling me old?

    I taught you that FW was a fort? I have taught so many things over my long years on the planet, it gets hard to remember all the wisdom I have imparted.

  5. Your Firesign is showing Dude...
