Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday Hiking The Tandy Hills & Finding A Dead Pickup

It was in the 70s when I took off for the Tandy Hills today, putting me back in shorts and a t-shirt.

By 70s I am referring to the temperature, not the decade known as the 70s.

I did some off trail hiking today. That turned a bit more adventurous than I needed, due to a steep slope made slippery because of a thick carpet of fallen leaves.

Far from any road I came upon the dead pickup you see in the picture. How did this pickup get in this location?

There is a Tandy Hills Legend, propagated by Don Young, about a Volkswagen Van hitting a tree. The location of that van is supposedly on the west side of the trail that leads into the Tandy Hills from View Street.

Today's dead pickup lies far to the east, east of the Tandy Highway, north of the Fort Worth Space Needle.

There are a lot of mysteries laying on the Tandy Hills. Today, near the dead pickup, I saw a big piece of culvert type pipe, sitting on the ground. Why was it there? Who left it there?

1 comment:

  1. The van of the Witchey Tree legend is not a VW but some other brand. Maybe a Ford or a Dodge. This vehicle you spotted today is one of 4 decorating the hills. One of them is almost completely submerged in a creek. The other is a "54 Chevy parked near the Tandy Falls.
