Wednesday, December 8, 2010

FW Stinks On Kathleen Hicks & Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief''s Political Calculations

I've been getting some good blog comments lately. Some times the comments are to bloggings from months, or even years ago.

Or the good blog comment might be to a blogging that was blogged on the very day it was commented on, such as one I got this afternoon from FW Stinks.

I do not know if FW is a man or a woman. What I do know is Mr./Ms. Stinks has rather strong opinions about about the shenanigans of Fort Worth's city officials, such as Fort Worth's esteemed by few mayor, Mike Moncrief, and District 8 City Councilwoman, Kathleen Hicks, currently somewhere in Europe spending some of Fort Worth's abundant budget surplus.

Below is what FW Stinks had to say...........

Very interesting observations, historical facts, and questions Mr. Durango. This situation could just be coincidence = not likely with this mayor and his crew. 

A theory based on past history and pattern is that this was a cynical ploy involving political calculations. Remember elections are just around the bend for the mayor and Ms. Hicks. She serves as some kind of member of big bother big sister version for cities, mainly FW and European cities. So this may be the official city business for which she's deployed, during a crucial vote on a major issue for the city. Not only are travel related expenses much higher during this busy holiday period, but then to be absent while knowing ahead of time that there will very likely be a tie vote (an unusual thing for this group) is awfully fishy. Going with the calculated politically-motivated theory, this scenario benefits both the mayor and the councilwoman. 

With a strong challenger already in place (see FW Weekly, forget the S-T for real news), the mayor wants to be able to point to this "difficult decision" and his decisive and courageous tie-breaking vote THAT SHOW HIS RESPECT FOR THE CITIZENS WISHES AND FOR RESPONSIBLE USE OF TAX MONEY. 

After a rough two years, mostly from her mistake in taking the side of the bullying gas corporation Chesapeake in a very high profile and intense battle of wills between this corporate Goliath and a sickly immigrant man (who won, by gosh!!), the council rep. needed no more "political damage or liability" going into the May 2011 election. Not really known for courageous votes or strong leadership, this conveniently timed trip gives her that political cover.

So either the mayor has felt that she has gotten over her punishment from him last year, and deserves his "protection" now, for not getting that CHK pipeline down Carter Ave. in the form of a blindside straight out of "Survivor" in which he publicly stripped (and embarrassed her and her supporters) away her precious title as mayor pro temp without the usual courtesy of letting her know in advance OR she has not not gotten over that public humiliation and took the trip in order to force him to be the deciding vote and pay whatever political price for his decision.

Or, once again, it's all just a perfect set of coincidences. I'd like to feed you some fish from the Trinity River if you bite on that explanation. 


  1. Ah, what a cute picture. Boss Hogg and his Daisy Duke. Was this photo taken at the fund raiser you hosted at your place, Durango? When is the next one? Maybe a western themed Bar-b-Q at the nearby Chesapeake well drilling site? BYOG --bring your own gasmask. Shoo-doggy, it's gonna be a blast.

  2. According to the statement by Downtown FW, Inc. in the Startlegram, it looks like the good old DT boys network under the billionaire Bass men told mayor Moncrief they didn't want the streetcars. Remember these are really wealthy people with real money of their own. Unlike Moncrief's gasbagger buddy the fake millionaire Aubrey McC of CHK, which is so in debt that they're only rich on paper and not really as powerful as their propaganda suggests.

  3. I received this yesterday in my inbox: "Suzette, they are still going to stick it to us. Resolution 9332 was voted on that same evening and passed. We are going to have an added tax on our water bills to pay for the infrastructure for streetcars/transportation. $1.4 to $1.5 billion is needed to implement their plans. We will be taxed for the next ten years starting as early as July 2011. They are going to start dolling out the money, awarding contracts to sell us on the idea of how bad we need this infrastructure…. I was bitching the whole night after I read the damn thing. People were so happy that they thought the battle was won, they were giving us a piece of the bone and thought we would be happy. They knew we could not match funding or even come close. They are playing games with us. Council and mayor are coming up for reelection, they know this and they are trying to soften us up for the very purpose of not losing their positions. They thought they could slide this tax in on us without a fight. They sure think we are dumb.

    Mon the 13th we are having a meeting at Painless, starts at 7:00PM, Cathy Hirt will be speaking and then Jason Moore. I will be handing out the Resolution and encouraging people to attend their city council meetings and the budget meetings. We have to get these people motivated to get out and do something, get involved, not just go to meetings.
