Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Dawn Of December In Texas With Gas-Powered Internet Repression & A Big Chill

It is the dawn of the last month of 2010, on a chilly, one degree above freezing, 1st day of December in Texas.

I had myself a restful night last night, no repeat of the night before's bizarre nightmares. Instead, last night's dream theme seemed to mostly involve Kim Zolciak of Atlanta, and me going all sorts of interesting places, without ever leaving Kim's condo. I imagine there might be some who might consider spending the night with Kim Zolciak to be a nightmare, but, for me, it really was not. I awoke well-rested from the experience.

Speaking of nightmares. In the early evening, on Sunday, I was appalled to learn of the fresh hell Texas Sharon is experiencing, thanks to, all evidence suggests, Barnett Shale Gas Drillers. Sharon got messages from Google, warning her that accesses had been made to her account by multiple IP addresses. Soon thereafter, Sharon finds out that when one of her YouTube videos, on her blog, gets clicked on, the clicker does not get to view the video, instead the viewer sees this...

This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.

Apparently, without letting anyone know, Sharon moved to China, where censoring Google and YouTube is allowed. Sharon really should not have made such a rash move and should have stayed in America where free speech is a constitutional guarantee and repression of someone's free speech is criminal activity. As is hacking.

The last month of the year is starting off a bit foreboding. And interesting.

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