Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Dark Dawn Of The Last Tuesday Of 2010 In Texas

The sun had not yet arrived when I stepped outside to look at the view through the bars of my patio prison cell at the dark morning of the last Tuesday of 2010.

The sun is now dawning on a day currently heated to 11 degrees above freezing. It appears that we may be back under cloud cover. It is not quite bright enough to tell for sure.

This morning I found an annoying blog comment, from an entity calling itself "Best of Blogs Fort Worth."

Best of Blogs Fort Worth took yesterday's blogging titled Fort Worth Does Not Need A Bus Tunnel Under Its Downtown To Take You To Its Professional Sports Stadium and copied it in its entirety in to this Best of Blogs Fort Worth thing.

The comment said, "Love this! I've included it on a site I've created, which is a compilation of some of the best blogs in the city." With the blog's URL added.

This does not seem kosher to me. Particularly since the only thing I saw on this blog that had anything to do with Fort Worth was its title, its blog description and the blog post it stole from me. The rest of the blog posts seemed to do with various storage options, you know, those places where you rent a space to store your junk.

Change of subject. This is going to be a physical exertion-lite day. Due to being a bit sore in a place or two, I assume from overdoing it in a place or two.


  1. Interesting tidbit about "The Best Blogs of Fort Worth":

    bestofblogsfortworth.wordpress.com is no longer available.
    This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.
    For questions or concerns, contact WordPress.com Support.

  2. It was still working about an hour ago. Just went back to it at http://bestofblogsfortworth.wordpress.com and it is just like you say. Suspended. Well, it was very odd, having my one blogging in its entirety followed by a lot of bloggings about storage units. It sorta bugged, me, so I'm glad it's been suspended.
