Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Color Has Been Drained From The Morning Of The 2nd Day Of December In Texas

The view from my window is a bit monochromatic this morning, except for a some blue from the pool. Which I guess means the 2nd day of December is starting off a bit on the drab side.

Which sort of fits my mood. I am feeling very monochromatic this morning. As in I'm feeling colorless, rather than my usual colorful norm.

Good news on the Texas Sharon front. Google and You Tube have restored her YouTube account, after suspected dirty dealings by entities trying to stifle this particular outspoken feisty Texan.

Those trying to stifle Texas Sharon are obviously not based in Texas. Likely the stifling is coming from Oklahoma. Anyone in Texas knows you mess with a Texas woman at your own extreme risk. Texas women are a mighty persnickety breed.

I am going to go for some ice treatment shock in the pool this morning to see if I can break out of monochromatic mode and turn colorful once more. I'll let you know how that works out.

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