Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cold Clucking With The Ducks At Fosdic Lake On Christmas Eve Eve

You can sort of tell from the picture that it is a cold, dreary winter day in the Fort known as Worth, this Christmas Eve Eve.

Birds of different feathers were flocked together in the cold water of Fosdic Lake, today, in Oakland Lake Park.

That group on the right managed to draw all the birds on the lake towards them, due to the tossing of bird food into the lake.

I assume this made for some very happy ducks with full gut ducks, because this group had several large bags of bird food.

The Fosdic Lake birds must be fed manually, due to signs around the lake warning that it is not safe to eat anything that grows in the lake.

I managed to be underdressed today. It was 46. But felt colder. I was minus my wool cap, had no gloves and only one shirt layer under my windbreaker. I can step outside and think I've got enough clothes on. Then get to my destination to quickly realize I was erroneous.

I must remember to stock extra clothes. And gloves. In my vehicle. I'm not much of a Boy Scout. Being prepared is not one of my traits.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, Durango, and everybody.

    Looks like this will not be my last Christmas in Fort Worth after all. I'm here in Fort Worth for the long term most likely forever.
