Sunday, November 28, 2010

Up Early Sunday Morning After Bad Night Due To Being Overstimulated By Bad Movies & George's Specialty Foods

I am up way too early this last Sunday of November of 2010.

As you can see there is no steam rising from the hot tub. This is not an indicator that the air temperature has risen.

It hasn't.

It is currently 39 degrees out there where the hot tub sits. The reason it is not steaming is because the heat has been turned way down on the water circulating in to the hot tub.

I got new information, over night, regarding the George's Specialty Food Chesapeake Energy Eminent Domain Abuse Scandal. I must ask a couple questions of the person who sent this information to me to make sure I understand what I'm being told.

I did not sleep well last night. I think I may be being overstimulated from watching too many movies. I usually do not watch a movie all that often. And if I do it is usually a classic on Turner Classic Movies.

AT & T's U-Verse has turned on all the HBO, CineMax and Showtime channels for free sampling and recording. Consequently I watched something called Trueblood on HBO. Very disturbing series. And then last night I tried to watch Avatar. It is Avatar that I think overstimulated me.

Maybe tonight I will try and make it to the end of Avatar. Currently I am not getting why this movie is such a huge hit. Maybe I am James Cameron averse. I also did not like Titanic. Could not get past the dumb plot and wooden dialogue.

The temperature average over the last 24 hours has been above 50. So, I am going to make a swimming attempt this morning. I'll let you know how that goes later.

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