Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday Morning With Broccoli Soup & Water Missing From My Pool & Another Texas Earthquake

Looking out the window the Tuesday morning of November 9 I can see about half the water is missing from my pool.

So, there will be no pool for this fool this morning. Which is a sad sad thing due to the temperature having risen to a level sufficient to make the thrill of the chill tolerable. As in it is 55 out there right now.

I learned quite some time ago, now, that if the temperature averages during a 24 hour period at 50 degrees, or above, frostbite does not set it.

Betty Jo Bouvier asked me this morning if I got something she sent me. I have not. I can not help but wonder what Betty Jo has sent me. I hope it isn't a flu virus.

Broccoli Soup is on the menu for lunch today. Before that I will need to get in some salubrious aerobic activity to overcompensate for my pool being unavailable.

I forgot to explain that the reason water is missing from the pool is because it is being drained so repairs can be made to some tile grout which cracked soon after it was grouted last summer. It takes a long time to drain the pool. And a long time to fill it.

What a waste of water in these parched parts.

Sunday night we had yet one more earthquake here in mostly shake-free North Texas. Once again it was Cleburne that got shook.

Back in summer of 2009 Cleburne had 8 Richter Scale Measurable Tremors. Sunday's quake was a 2.5 shaker. You feel a quake that small if you are near the epicenter, but not if you are a few miles distant from it.

Cleburne is about 40 miles southwest of my location. So, I felt no earthquake on Sunday. I did feel the earth move last night. But I think that may have been caused by a big truck passing.

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