Monday, November 29, 2010

Soldier Standing Guard On A Warm Monday In Arlington's Veterans Park With Turtles

It rained last night. I had the dire need to aerobicize. My Therapist, Dr. L.C., ordered me outdoors. Due to the rain I thought the Tandy Hills might be a bit muddy. Since I needed to be in Pantego I decided to take a walk at Veterans Park in Arlington.

The backwoods, hilly area of Veterans Park was dry and not muddy. I suspect the Tandy Hills were in a similar condition.

The soldier who guards the Veterans Park Memorial has had some pillars join him since my last visit. The soldier guards 100s of names etched in bricks. You can find bricks honoring men who served in American Wars as far back as the War of Northern Aggression.

To the east of the soldier lies the Veterans Park Pond. With the temperature nearing 70 the Veterans Park Pond Turtles were basking in the sun, being watched over by a lot of ducks on patrol.

Usually turtles are a bit skittish and don't like anyone getting too close, quickly jumping in the water. But these guys were liking the sun too much to worry about a guy taking pictures of them.

I'm feeling a bit better after having spent time outside on this perfect day.

I lasted less than a minute in the pool this morning. The air temperature was around 60, with the water being colder than 60. I should have known better than to get wet.

I have a backlog of blogging material that is staring at me. I hate being stared at.

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