Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Shadow Of The Tandy Hills Thin Man

It appears as if I've lost an arm, in the picture, but appearances are deceiving. In reality, my right arm was being used to take the picture of the long shadow, some time between 3 and 4, this afternoon, on the Tandy Hills.

I thought it might be pushing it, mud-wise, to return to the Tandy Hills just slightly 24 hours after the rain stopped.

I don't mind growing taller, but not when it is due to mud sticking to my shoes. Which is what was happening on the Tandy Hills.

So, I cut the Tandy Hills visit real short and continued on to my next destination.

I got in some good swimming, this morning, so my endorphin withdrawal problem had already been taken care of, prior to the aborted Tandy Hills hike.

I also got some aerobic stimulation when I was making lunch (BBQ chicken and avocado whole wheat sandwich with eggplant soup) when Elsie Hotpepper called in Hot Pepper mode, cursing like a sailor on shore leave. Such words spewing from such a delicate flower of the South. I am not used to my womenfolk being profane verbiagers. Except for my Puerto Rican womenfolk, who are all profane verbiagers.

Yes, I know, "verbiagers" is not a word. But, I feel it should be. So, I'm adding it to my dictionary.

I've got my windows open with a pleasant breeze blowing through. I suspect I will not have my windows open tomorrow, with the temperature predicted to get down in the 30s.

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